Tuesday, September 10, 2019


I'm not doing myself any favors blog-wise. I thought there were 2 pre-existing blogs that covered these 2 related subjects that I could then build off of with newer understandings. Nope. Turns out I just thought I wrote those. 

Going through my old blogs, i regret blog titles, the fact I never created specific categories or lists for them, and that spiritual theories I learned more about and would add to are buried somewhere in the 1,000 blog posts and I can't find them. 

When I started this blog it was just to write, document, and keep my thoughts written down somewhere. I decided somewhere down the line that when I'm older I'll go through them and make a book on what I've learned and what's most important to know. 

I also understood that as time when on my thoughts Would inevitably change. And I wanted to show the mind on a journey rather than instantly being at the destination. That we can shift and change in mind and in being. That we're fluid -and not just because we're 70% water. 

Anyways, here's the 2 thoughts and my expansions on them:

Being a Balto

I'm still surprised I didn't write about this before. I've been defining myself by this term for years now. 

"Balto" refers to a dog/wolf hybrid that accomplished some important things. (I had to decide between a copyrighted Disney movie picture and this more historically accurate one...)

A Balto is someone who's a hybrid in a way that involves identity. Maybe you're race is black and Hispanic and you draw from both of those cultures. Maybe you're Transgendered -"born one way on the outside, but defined by another way inside". Maybe you're King of Kings but born in a barn of a peasant, refugee woman caste aside by the world. 

Most people are Baltos in some way. I had several:
-Raised in the city and the country. 
-Bisexual (always both not one or the other)
-Religious and Spiritual (Drawing from religion for understanding, drawing from soul for knowing) 
-Rich & Poor (I've been both)

And as it turns out I recently found another way I'm "Balto". 

And that led to the understanding of Hybrids. 

I grew up obsessed with the Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice and deeply interested in vampires. Hopefully I wrote a previous blog explaining all of that and why that was, but who knows. 

In recent years I noticed a pervasive trend in vampire storylines involving Hybrids. The understanding went: "Vampires and Werewolves were enemies for centuries on end. Now there can be peace between them and they can unify because Hybrids exist."

Knowing there's more to life than what meets the eye, I came to understand I was being led to observe this new storyline because it spoke to something bigger happening on a spiritual level. 

And then the final puzzle piece came into play the other day -like a lightbulb going off because of recent information I'd found out. 

We're all inherently hybrids at this point. Maybe even Tri-brids. And because of that life is more complicated, but it will be easier to simplify. 

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