Thursday, September 5, 2019

Networking Experience + Spiritual Reflection

God made it clear that for some fated reason I'm meant to do more networking. And I hate it because I've done it too many times in my past to keep track of. But at the same time it helps me connect externally and "wakes me up". 

Virgo Season -"The Spiritual Business Person": 
This month did not start out well. It's like all the vices affiliated with Virgo came to the forefront and you got to see which ones knocked you off balance. Financial issues, mechanical/car problems, frustrations at work, family issues... 

Some hit harder than others, and I realized just like these planetary, astrological shifts can knock you down, they can also build you up. You can Grow by the virtues of a season. Virgo is organized, clear, goal-oriented, hard work, and a good manifester of physical prosperity. So I hopped on that wave and surfed on over to networking when it became clear that was mean to happen for good reasons... 

I also realized this must happen every season: the vice of the sign hits you to the extent you're effected and then the virtue effects you to the extent you embrace it. I think God's humbling me to pay more attention to these "shifts in the spiritual weather" I normally write off in favor of understanding the overall "spiritual climate" of the year. 

Networking Anxiety: 
Even though I know I can do it and I usually benefit from it, I was nervous and on the fence last night with whether to go to this Marketing/Networking Event. 

I realized what I actually feared most about it was Men. I don't know how to relate to business men. They tend to be formal, authoritarian, and egotistical. I've been blessed to work for men that are more humble and down to earth like my step-father who was a tow truck driver was, but I've also seen the other side of the spectrum.

They don't listen. and as a "soul" I feel useless in their eyes. I can't relate to them like they can't relate to me. I don't care for their diamond studded watch or their smugness. It's too much of what we aren't. 

But I was surprised to find 90% of the people there were women. Then I remembered: Higher-up positions and Sales positions are usually 70% or more comprised of men. That glass ceiling is still there. Where women have flourished is marketing because it's the "softer side of sales" and is more about strategic communication, messaging, and socializing -which women excel at. It's also a lot more "behind the scenes". 

But I was still nervous. I also have trouble relating to these sorts of women. 

I tried to find the divine feminine energy I love to experience at women's gatherings, but there wasn't much. These women weren't very spiritually-inclined. 

And it was hard to map out, but here it is:

They're beautiful, polished, elegant, formal, well-spoken, professional, and wealthy. And I sat there feeling like the polar opposite, but thankful for it. There was something "off" with the way they carried themselves. Granted I was out of balance and not as confident and uplifted as I should have been, so I wasn't exactly sitting on a pedestal either. 

Comparisons are never wise since we're "on our own paths", but there is something spiritual occurring here I'd like to note: 

What I See with Business Women:

-Someone comprised in body
-A soul shining through in some instances, but still "contained"
-Too much formality, not enough authenticity 
-Women acting as men do in business (trying to prove they can hold their own instead of recognizing we bring something entirely different to the table and for good reason) 
-Ego wrapped in appearances and good impressions 
-Attachment to material possession 
-The soul and body on a silver platter presented as is as if there was nothing more 

and there's something weird I still haven't quite figured out that happens with men and women where it registers like their soul is confined or locked in their body and it's harder to perceive of. I think it has to do with a combination of being physically attached to body and appearances and being very physically-present and oriented. Also doing a lot of physical activities -including things that might not be to the benefit of the soul. 

I've also seen it with athletes. They break through physical barriers but then lock their soul in one by being too defined by body. 

I have the opposite problem where I fall out of balance with body as a soul because I'm separate from it and don't engage physically very often -so I'm seeing from the opposite end of a spectrum intended for balance and not extremes. 

So today I learned some things about SEO and social media as well as spirituality in people. 

I feel very compelled to go to church now, to regain spiritual connection where I was saddened earlier to find it lacking in a group. The church I go to is more spiritual than religious and the energy there IS the presence of God among people. 

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