Saturday, September 21, 2019

In Case These Come True... 2 Dreams

My dreams the past week have been a lot more vivid and are clearly about my near future. 

9/17 Dream: I had a dream that had aspects of a dream that came before. Part of it was definitely a repeat/duplicate of a past dream. 

I was in the woods and there was a lake. Deanna -the girl who used to work at the adventure park I'm at -was there. When I first had this dream I didn't recognize her but now I do. She was diving in the lake with a bunch of other people and I was being encouraged to dive in as well, but chose to stay on the shore. 

At the same time I kept looking in books and seeing visions and images of past Biblical events. This is also a repeat part of the dream. Only this time I remembered which Biblical events I was looking at: The Abduction of Women By Angelic Beings. There's a part in scriptures that were kicked out of the Bible around 500 AD that involve stories of Watchers and a part about Angels begin attracted to women and sleeping with them -which led to the birth of large, giant beings. The Angels were then punished for their transgression. 

In my dream I saw an Angel -that looked mischievous/dark/aggressive -take a woman in Greecian wardrobe and fly upward. I twas a wall mural/painting. 

Then I took a break from reading into all of that and went to get into my car. It was snowing out and I had a bag of potato chips with me. (I've recently gotten addicted to potato chips -particularly the Lime flavored kind. I dip them in guacamole and pretend they're healthier that way.)

It was hard to maneuver my car out of there since it was a narrow street in snow, so I went uphill and ended up parking at a terrace that was also someone's "backyard". There were mansions in these hills and they overlooked a great mountainscape (the Rockies). I looked out over the mountains in what I hadn't realized was the backyard of  a mansion, when 4 little dogs appeared and I started petting them.

This is where my dream has another repeat/duplicate that I've had before. There was an old woman who the dogs (and mansion) belonged to and he was talking to me and we were having a pleasant conversation. At some point her son came out and talked with us as well. He said he was a manager for Kathy Griffin's tour. They were very wealthy and we got along. Then I woke up. 

I saw the Rocky Mountains so vividly from that dream. It felt real. 

9/20 Dream: This dream had parts that were a little disjointed and confusing in terms of the timeline. 

I was being told by someone who seemed like my mom that I needed to go back to college. She said the price of it would be covered and I thought, "Well maybe I can brush up on my Spanish since I've been meaning to anyway..." 

Then I saw myself and I was a Hispanic girl with black hair and brown eyes. But it was still from my perspective and emotions and reactions. I showed up and sat down in a seat in a classroom that was outdoors. 

I was going to start learning Spanish when I noticed the book in front of me looked more like the Bible. Then a "council" came in of about 5 prestigious, stern, older people. We were told we needed to impress them and meet their approval to move forward with the lesson. 

I appeared before the council and said I was interested in learning and came from a very humble place, and they didn't seem convinced. They said I could stay, but wouldn't be apart of their education focus. 

After that a group of 4 other students that I bonded with decided the best thing to do was to get their attention by walking out of the college and exploring the surrounding area so they'd have to come looking for us. We then explored side streets and got lost, but didn't really care. 

Then they came and found us. They still hadn't changed their minds and thought we weren't dedicated to the cause. And I thought, "If I'm willing to get lost and potentially hurt myself to get their attention then screw this. I don't want it." I stopped caring about what they thought. 

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