Thursday, September 12, 2019

Spiritual Download -September 2019

Ok, decided I'm just going to list out all the dreams/notes from my journal and the past couple days. It will be random. 

Pisces Dream 9/11/19:

I had a dream that I was a fish and there was a huge city under a cave, but it was like dead corral -dried and empty -so I stayed under a rock outside of the city. Then something momentous happened and a world or egg was dispersed from me. It was then my job to look after this precious sphere. A diver came along and put me higher up with the egg in an alcove by the cave with a window looking out at the sea. Knowing I'd need help looking after the sphere/egg the diver grabbed ahold of a clown fish who tried getting away but couldn't. Clown fish are known for being great at looking after their eggs. He put the clown fish with me and we took turns/shifts looking after the sphere. 

The dream was interesting because I just told my friend yesterday that I don't like the city of Denver and avoid it because it's crowded, spiritually devoid, and overwhelming. 

Bubble of Protection: 
I've been getting back into body again. Every time my soul syncs back into body it's like it "clicks" -like a seat belt fastening in -and it feels right. And I realize I like "popping out" as a soul to better perceive of the spiritual realm around and above, but then I get drained as a soul and it leaves me weaker and more susceptible to negative spiritual interactions. When I click back into body, Heaven comes around me and creates a sort of protective bubble my soul within can then connect to and be shielded by. I then emulate as a soul from my body -which heals it and nourishes it. Both my body and soul are then in better stead. But there is still this instinct for maintaining that external connection from within. It has to be maintained, otherwise you get lost as a soul within yourself. 

Genetic Memory: 
They say scientifically when you're born you're given the genetics and come from essentially the same womb as your grandmother. 
People really need to understand what we write into our DNA in terms of energy, memory, and experiences gets passed along. Up until now it's been a negative history transcribed and embedded generation after generation. I'll give 2 examples: 

I don't know what happened with my great, great, great grandmother on my mom's side but there are 2 patterns that emerge with the women in my family: 

1. No sons are born, only girls.
2. Divorce consistently happens -which is probably one of the reasons why my sister and I never married or haven't yet -trying to change that pattern. 
3. Rape/ uterus issues. My great grandmother had colon cancer, my grandmother had uterine cancer, my mother had endometriosis and got a hysterectomy, and I had ovarian cysts. I won;t go into which members of my family have been raped, but domestic violence and that abuse have happened and are clearly another aspect of this pattern. 

I can give other examples, but i have a lot to cover. Like I said before, we're all working our way towards improving patterns we were dealt like cards and changing our spirits and genetics for the better. Do no harm to others, make peace with what harm has been done to you. Clear everything out before having a child to the best of your ability. 

Notes from My Journal: 

-"Prehistory started with art on the walls, then written word, and now TV". In other words, we've evolved the way we convey the truth. It's the shift from black and white photos to HD TV. We've gotten clearer and more discerning and can SEE the truth the world over in an accessible way. 

-Dec 28th: "More evil making it's last stand in the world. Hurricane. 26 kids. Stabbing in China. Fireman being shot. Murders. Gang rape in India." 

I keep forgetting how we're living in the past and the way for the future is coming through in ways we're still not registering. Because all of that news registers as "old". Like I remember that, but it was from a couple years ago so it's not currently "relevant". And yet it's old historical cycles that are dying out and we;re moving further away from. And the past is still happening currently with all these things we get wounded by and caught up in we'll forget 2 years from now. We all move on in the end. 

-"Dad text me, 'Thank you for being my daughter. Love you.' out of the blue. We then saw a movie together. He doesn't usually say things like that." 

I'm still not sure if this was a dream I recorded or this actually happened. You think I'd remember something that BIG, given my dad never really says things like that. When I first read it I was like, "What??? This happened??? Even in a dream..." 

-Dream: Had a dream that had to do with Django. There were slaves being whipped by men with Bibles. It was an injustice, and then they went after gay people. They were talking about "good souls" and "bad souls" and hunted Jews, Hindus, and other innocent people. Old Testament verses New Messiah. 

-Dream about George Orwell. Where there's a will there's a way. Saw two 10 year olds take on a Nazi. 

Wheat sacrifice to the lamb. Wheat burned when pulled -wrap in stead. Types of people and how they handle problems. 

Cat in cage with mouse; it's caught restless -prefers chaos/action. It hates the solution. I introduce X equation (doing a math problem) to explain. Another person mistakes X for a letter. I'm trying to explain "Serenity Theorem". He leaves. Woman there won;t listen to me, only Orwell. 

Cat found with twisted back. Won't take to the hospital. Excuses. I'm willing to take it to the hospital. I wake up. 

------Ok, this is why I like to thoroughly write out my dreams. I leave key phrases in hopes of triggering the memory of the dream, but it doesn't work so I've written more descriptively in recent years. No idea what some of this is alluding to, but George Orwell has come up a lot in recent years -finally clarifying that "Yes, the government does f*cked up things we aren't aware of." This dream may have been me or my higher self trying to refocus on Serenity and Peace -that everything will work out in the end -but people in general including my lower self are distracted and more caught up in politics/government/the cat. 

-"Zodiac Theory of Spirituality: Spiritual Gifts Given by Earth, Wind, Fire Water"

All people, depending on what element their born into, have a unique spiritual gift to give championed by that element. Earth people = grounding, warm, caring. Fire = Determined, paving the way, change and resilience. Air = Clever, Intellectual Understanding, Leadership, Clarity. Water = Creativity, Emotional/Spiritual Connection, Other-Worldly. 

-Things that challenge a zodiac birthdate/pre-prescribed fate: Yin/Yang energy, Interests and Values, The way you were raised/culture, independent thought, whether you choose to change, interactions with other people who influence you 

-Are some Zodiac Signs better as female or male? Meaning their tendencies and energy are more suited for one than the other in terms of balance and fulfillment -mostly due to our cultural norms around gender? Example: Leo for women seems to be better because it can have issues with Ego, and in men it tends to lead to abuses of power, where for women it Empowers them and they lead others in a caring way. 

-Animals and the Zodiac: Treasure was a Gemini, Owen is a Cancer, and Kitten was a Leo (they had the exact vices and virtues and demeanor) 

-Biology and Gender: Man implants seed (Yang external energy), woman takes in seed (Yin internal energy). Has nothing to do with reproduction and physical gender and everything to do with DNA and the influences of culture and generations of reinforced. mentality. 

-Instincts differ: Control/Overcome and Survive/Subdue (animal desires and instincts) 

-Monogamy = Hire form of social evolution? A Choice - verses following an animal instinct to mate with everything. 

-Priest arrested for giving a person "sanctuary" at a church. He said, "That's the great thing about my job. I can do it anywhere." 

-When trying to evolve from past life patterns, you are often forced to choose between paving a new way and adhering to the same social norms that led you to fail before (given how much times hadn't really changed in the past). 

-Pattern of having kids under certain Zodiac signs. 
1 woman: 2 Leo sons
Dad + mom: 2 Pisces daughters 
Laura: All Capricorns in their family, 2 children 
Another family: All Leo children except for last daughter
Another families children: All Air signs except for last daughter 

-Musicians, Dancers, Actors: Have to emote their personality and use appearances and fashion. Like a blank canvas that paints on itself. 

-God is invisible. God's beauty is in the stars and in His creations. 

-Islamic Art (Sacred geometry), Jewish Art, Christian Art (depth, golden, Renaissance painters), Buddhist Art (Nature, Calm Demeanor), Hindu Art (Color, Movement, Detail) 

-Grow with Truth. Evolve with It. Change Your "Mind" 

-Unconscious/ in a coma/ no arm. Conscious/in a bed/arm is there. Enlightened/ Alive-running-moving/ grabbing something with your arm. With enlightenment you can truly Achieve. 

-Married Couples: To change or not to change for the person that you're with? On the one hand, you're a soul on a journey and exist independently. On the other, in union and with change in good, fated ways you can be fulfilled in a kind of way. Ultimately people should change for themselves in ways they consent to. 

-Gone with the Wind: Scarlet, strong but spoiled. Prostitute: Helpful and Kind. Sick Woman: Forgiving and Gracious. And yet only Scarlet is remembered. 

-Disease Kids. Immunization. Healthcare Costs. If we're not putting children first, we're coming in last as a people. 

Well, those were my notes. 

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