Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Chop the Firewood

There's a spiritual book I love called Be Here Now. It's pretty incredible that someone from the U.S, who went to India in the 70s could create something that's a perfect blend of artistry and wisdom in writing. It keeps you engaged and focused on what you're reading. 

But there was this one page that was talking about having incredible spiritual epiphanies and miraculous breakthroughs and then having to carry on and just Do Life. 

What do you do when the Heavens have opened up and the relevance of what we're doing in our daily lives is rendered irrelevant in the grander scheme of things? "You chop the firewood". You brush your teeth and get your car keys and walk out your front door. But you do it more presently and with a great aerial view of your life and life in general. 

Right now I'm putting out fires. 

The problem with paralleling with not just people but businesses is they start to have all of the same problems simultaneously. 

I'm entering keywords into 100s of Youtube videos to gain more visibility and traction for one business. The next day I'm entering in 100s of keywords in Pinterest to gain more visibility for another business. 

I'm entering a log in Excel  tracking all the videos in Youtube, their titles and links. I'm entering a log in Excel tracking all of the items being sold in an online store, their titles and links. 

It's incredible how the work I'm doing mirrors from one business to the next. 

The theme of today is: Login issues. Website malfunctions in html and javascript. Sending important emails out waiting on a reply from people who aren't responding. Time crunch to get all this done by hopefully noon today. 

I was having issues with an email marketing tool called Synduit in one company. Mailchimp went down with my other company. They're now both back on line and working great. 

Marketing and graphic design are very Go! Go! Go! and wait.... wait... wait... 

I work quickly, but if my work relies on other people contributing in some way it's a lot of waiting. It's intense and high-pressure some days and boring as toast others. 

And the whole time you think: God has a greater purpose intended for me and this isn't it. I was meant to help these people and these businesses -that was fated. But this day in and out running around and sitting still is not for me. 

There's more to this universe and this life and this mind and soul. 

But still you chop the wood. And you put out the fires. 

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