Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Wisdom on Facebook

Lately it's been wounding to go on Facebook. I found out some of my friends are racist, religist (xenophobic), bigoted, and even misogynistic. It's been harsh through these deeply political times to see the hatred spewed forth from Facebook and other places online. But it is Honest and it is Truth that these are hatreds and fears people have demeaned into their souls. And so I accept this as Truth and try to push past the dark language and cruel sentiments of this age. 

But even the quotes of wisdom I was used to seeing seem to have run dry to my mind. They were either too familiar or too foreign in thought. Quotes about dating the right person or quotes of "don't give up"... Nothing DEEP or REAL or NEW for me to nourish my soul with. 

Then a few days after I kind-of openly complained to the secret universe around me that this was a hard weight to hold onto, the quotes I had been seeking appeared in vast number on Facebook. The political banter of hatred was washed away by the cleansing quotes I found. I've decided to post them here as a reminder that God hears you and ANSWERS back when you truly wish for His wisdom: 

I've also been following Dorren Virtue on Facebook and she posts daily "insights" to what Divine beings of Heaven wish for you to understand. I've been struggling with the not-knowing and the waiting for a job to come along. Uncertainty even though I've been told and understand God has a plan and it is coming to fruition soon. But Dorren's cards have helped AFFIRM what I have spiritually come to understand and it is clear I am meant to wait for a good career to come along. In the meantime, God wishes for me to focus Internally on connecting to Soul and through Soul to the Divinity Above. 

I don't know why so many Unicorns keep popping up, but when I was a kid that was my favorite animal. For me it represented being Unique and Spiritual. Maybe that's what I'm meant to be ultimately. :)

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