Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Quotes from the Bible

I found a meme with a list of "Numbers" to call when in need:

-When in sorrow: John 14
-When you've sinned: Psalm 51
-When you worry: Mathew 6:19-34
-When in danger: Psalm 91
-When your faith needs stirring: Hebrews 11
-When you feel down and out: Romans 8:31
-When you want peace and rest: Mathew 11:25-30
-When the world seems bigger than God: Psalm 90
-If your pocketbook is empty/low on money: Psalm 37 
-When lonely and fearful: Psalm 23
-When bitter and critical: 1Corinthians 13
-How to get along with fellow man: Romans 12
-When depressed: Psalm 27
-If people seem unkind: John 15

Normally I'd wait until I got home and had my Bible to figure out what each of these references says. But my friend told me about that there's some place on the internet called BibleGateway.com that helps with this sort of thing. I also found out my friend has the "New Living Translation" version of the Bible. No idea which one I have yet -need to check. There are way too many iterations of the Bible and denominations of Christianity out there. How are we supposed to be on the same page with everything if the pages aren't the same?

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