Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ghost Visit Again

So last night started off the same as the night before. Then a little after 10:30pm I dosed off.

Nothing happened during the night. Then I woke up around 5am. Then things began again. I noticed a pushing force poking into my back in between my shoulder blades. It kept pushing -like a finger pushing in. But it was still that numbing/hazy feeling. 

I kept tossing and turning to get it to stop. Then it felt like a finger was poking the right side of my temple.

Honestly it was like the ghost was testing to see the impact it could have on me physically and whether or not I would react or anything. I hate this ghost. 

The only thing that really helped me get through it was picturing this guy I know. He's like a light. You'd think picturing Jesus would be the way to go to help you mentally/spiritually overcome this, but not really. So the guy I decided to picture has a wife and 2 daughters and he's doing great in his career. He's just really friendly and accepting. I just tried imagining how he would handle the situation and I knew he wouldn't be frightened. He's very assured and calm. Visualizing him helped me, knowing that if he could handle this so could I.

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