Thursday, September 19, 2013

RE: Ghost Experience -My Sister's Response

Ok so last night sucked in the beginning. I was getting ready to go to bed and was checking myself in the mirror to make sure there were no scratches to be found when what should my eyes come across but a Scratch on my lower back. One inch long. Small. Scratch. 

Don't know how I got it and to be honest it was so random at the time that I decided it "didn't count" if the ghost had in fact made it. Scratch that scratch from the records.

Then I kept feeling the presence in my room -which SUCKS!!! 
It reminded me of when I was young and you feel kind of helpless because there isn't much you can do and you debate whether you're just being paranoid or not only to realize you're not. It was only after I fell asleep and woke up that I decided I didn't give a damn whether the ghost was there or not. When you're too tired to care, ghosts don't matter. But to initially fall asleep became a burdensome chore because I didn't feel safe and I was too alert. 

So today I decided to text my sister Emily since she and I experienced most of the ghost-related activity growing up. Our mom's house is haunted so the ghost would usually bug my sister and I since we were the most quiet and submissive members of our family.

Not really knowing much about any recent experiences my sister may have had I reached out to text her what had recently happened to me. Her responses: 

"Got scratched not that long ago so they are probably angry."

"So what kinds of things are happening to you?"

"You got scratches too? Wonder what has the ghosts so rowdy." 

"I got mine on my back and side. There is one ghost that follows me sometimes, or at least I think it's the same one. It growls at people and when I was at Sarah's (our step-sister) it growled and poked Thomas (Sarah's husband) in the back. I think it might be here (our aunt's house where Emily is currently staying) setting off the alarm. 

"The alarm was saying that the door was open but none of them were. But the smoke detector was going off so the alarm went off just now. Bad batteries in the smoke detector. But the door ajar thing for the alarm was weird." 

"I feel like crying. Not feeling particularly sad, but I do feel like crying."  

(After sending her the picture of my scratches) "Those are closer together than mine were. I had 3 long lines down my back."

"Yeah I was not sure if I did something to myself so went over everything. I even tried scratching myself to compare marks and mine turned out different."

"I was getting out of the shower. You know when you run water over a wound it is supposed to hurt? I didn't feel anything until I was out of the shower and I am pretty sure I didn't have the markings going in."

I told my sister she needs to start documenting the activity so we can compare notes and gather "proof". Need to figure this crap out. It's like a couple years of activity followed by a couple years of nothing followed by a couple years of activity again. I don't want this stuff starting up again...  

The only good thing is you really get to see what you're made of spiritually. You have to feel your own space and fill it so it doesn't get imposed upon or taken over by an external entity. You have to say: "This is my soul, this is my space. F*ck off." Listening to music helps. No one can mess with you if you're listening to Green Day. 

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