Sunday, March 29, 2020

Layers of Pandemic

I'm bored. And I wondered if I was lonely, but I don't feel lonely. Maybe a little lethargic and melancholy. 

I'm tired of watching Netflix. I'm stuck watching reruns of ongoing seasons I've already seen. 

I might start doing more digital artwork since I don't really feel motivated to do old school, hand-made artwork. 

And I keep popping on and off Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, seeing nothing new. 

I thought I'd be great at just sitting at home like I usually do, but it's too excessive.

And I had to debate whether to retweet the funny posts people are making to distract from everything and keep themselves amused. 

But I won't. 

Too many people are dying. More stories are coming out of people losing loved ones and nurses and doctors falling in trying to save people. Too much fear around the future for too many people. 

I'm still at peace with everything and I know God will use this to shift things more dramatically in the right direction -like finally addressing healthcare issues and other looming problems. When everyone's in poverty no one can pretend it doesn't exist and isn't a problem.

We've been cast into the same lot together now. You did unto others by ignoring their problems and suffering, well welcome to it. The uncertainty, vulnerability, and lack of freedom. Meanwhile others already know where the food pantries are and how to get financial aid. 

Otherwise the way this is all unfolding isn't necessarily equal or shared. 

In California they were more unprepared and the epidemic hit fast and hard. They went into immediate lockdown mode when it finally struck what was happening and how quickly it spread. They're entirely shutdown now. You can get fined if you're in too big of a group outside.  

In Texas there's rumors it was kind of the same. They joked it off a little more, but then hit the brakes. 

In Florida they don't seem to care as much and aren't really taking responsibility even now. 

In Mississippi the governor said screw this, the epidemic is a hoax. 

You have the President arguing with governors. You have governors arguing with mayors. Counties are trying to save people. States are trying to save people. Some aren't. 

It's like where you are dictates how well things are going and how quickly we as a people will then recover from this on a local, state, and national level. 

We're fortunate in Colorado. The Mayor of Denver led the way and other counties were following. Smaller came first: social distancing, entertainment places shut down... then more shut downs... and then the final say by the governor to have state-wide stay at home. There was more of a gradual ease to it and it wasn't as harsh as California. It was handled in the right way and at the right pace. God bless those involved in overseeing that. 

And then on top of these state-wide and sometimes county-wide differences there's WHO is staying at home. 

Bored teenagers out of school who can't see their friends. Parents who are going insane being stuck with kids with wayyyy too much energy. People isolated and alone. The elderly who have more reason than most to genuinely fear this virus like you would a plague. Families together. Families apart. Families who are apart that are stuck together. 


I'm mostly bored. Not alone. I'm too spiritually connected and used to feeling belonging with those above. 

Not frightened. But worried for other people. Including those who have always suffered behind closed doors with instances of abuse.

But I think something big will happen in April. Between the Easter Resurrection time, people praying to God, and spring being a time of breakthroughs I think something positive and powerful may happen. 

Beyond that I'm just trying to take life moment by moment as all of this unfolds. 

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