Saturday, March 7, 2020

Heaven on earth Update -May 2020

Just another status update on the wold-wide shift to Heaven being founded here: 

More headway has been made. Right now they are basically trying to heal and dissipate negative energy deriving from the negative influences of people and entities on earth. I thought clearing out Earth would be easier than Hell because Hell was so much darker, but they now have to content with some dark entities that have some level of physical influence as well as PEOPLE. Dissipating spiritual energy in a physical plane is a challenge. 

So they lifted our plane. The "physical" was it's been known is getting lighter and bring raised up to "higher" places. At some point the spiritual will pour into what we've only mistaken to still consist of the physical and all will be purely spiritual. The physical would be left behind. But people wouldn't know it until it happened. This world appears like it always has. Heaven "feels" physical when you're wandering around there, but all the physical is here is that divide from true spiritual element. 

So they're dissipating negative energy globally, raising Earth to a high spiritual plane then it's been on, and trying to have people and places "catch up" to where some other more enlightened people and places are. Then they're simultaneously depleting the energy negative entities draw from so they start to get lighter as well. 

As negative entities get lighter and negative energy dissipates, people will get lighter because they won't be shadowed over as much. People will then be easier to reach. 

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