Sunday, July 21, 2019

Spiritual Migration

I'm going to apologize ahead of time for the content in this post. 

1. I had an epiphany one night that wasn't all that new but did open my eyes a little more on what I call "spiritual migration". 

2. I got inspired and jotted down notes in my notebook to blog later. 

3. The next morning I decided I needed visuals to help explain this historical pattern. 

4. By mid-day when I was creating the visuals I realized I didn't exactly know the specifics on dates and times and was in a sarcastic mood. 

5. The slides I made aren't historically accurate my date, but are more historically accurate in terms of summarizing past occurrences better than high school history books ever did. 

6. I felt depressed and resentful of mankind/ human history after I made the slides and decided I wasn't in the right head space to blog about it. 

7. It's been 2 days since then so I'll give this a shot. 

Spiritual migration is influenced by Both the positive and the negative. Meaning in past times when Hell reigned, people migrated often out of fear or to avoid persecution. It's only recently we've started to see Positive-influenced spiritual migration led more by hopes, dreams, exploration, and creativity. 

So here's a little history: 

First off, PowerPoint doesn't want to let arrows turn 76 degrees, so it's up/down/left/right. European "migration" has been going on for a long time, it just started kicking in a lot during the rise of imperialism and desire to conquer new lands in the Americas, Asia, and Africa during the 1500s. We're going to focus on American-based spiritual migrations, even though you can expand this pattern to any country you want. 

Negative Migration: The evil of greed, conquering, and imperialism. It wasn't until much later the desire to evade persecution became more of a motivator for Europeans to venture elsewhere. 

I also could have shown East ---> West, then West--->South. But I wanted to focus on North America's interactions with Mexico. 

Spaniards came to Mexico and North America around the same time 1500s/1600s. Then -in tandem with white supremacy and white settlers roaming -they tried taking the lands and kicking natives out (this includes what who could call "Native Americans" and "Native Mexicans"). 

During this era my understanding of all the puzzle pieces is a little murky. Normally if history books don't cover things well enough I look for clues from movies and films (with a grain of salt). 

In general this era was Negatively influenced by dominance, slavery, and violence. 

It's my personal belief that the Native Americans in particular were targeted because their life was in balance, harmony, and with the exception of attacking other tribes they lived in a mostly peaceful way. Spiritually speaking they were very enlightened and listened to wisdom and sought spiritual unity. 
I could also probably add the early 1900s to this since looking into my own family history that's when a much longer migration of decades started to occur with people moving out west. 

First Positive influence of migration: But more specifically there was a huge movement towards what is now the Silicon Valley and California in general. Creative and  ingenuitive engineers, scientists, and designers moved out -as well as artists. Andy Warhol and Steve Jobs. And they transformed California with their influence into a highly influential Tech Center where the Internet itself was created. Before that it was mostly known for its agriculture and Hollywood. 

I also added migration from Mexico/South America at the bottom. It's probably more accurate to say people sought or wanted entry in part because of the U.S. reaking havoc in different countries through CIA missions, assassinations, drug trafficking, and government overthrows. 

Here's another way of thinking about/looking at the positive effects of some spiritual migrations. You notice that when large groups of people move to and become apart of a new state, they head for the cities and create a more diverse, inclusive community because of it. In turn they tend to make a more liberally-influenced political scene. At this point I don't mince words, this is a Good thing. I have been contending and trying to make peace with Republicans for over a decade now. Racism is Not good. Homophobia is Not good. Cruelty towards minorities is Not good. Spiritual migrations to states in this way seem to dissipate the previously narrow views those states held before. 

The way you can tell spirituality is underlying all this is Why California? Why Colorado? Why would large groups over years move to any state in particular? You can say job opportunities, but there's lots of job elsewhere. It's an unspoken shift that doesn't have much "reason" to it in the typical sense. 
And right now Colorado is reaching the end of its influx of people. I tried figuring out where people will go next and the top of my list of suspects includes: Texas, New Mexico, Oregon, and Florida. 

Meanwhile, he Global Refugee Crisis has been going on for some time now. It's hard to say when it "started" verses when people actually started to notice and pay attention. It is Negatively influenced -not by a desire to conquer and dominate, but by fear and a desire to survive. Violence has led to people fleeing from it. 

I think God is turning this negative into a positive though. For countries that embrace those seeking shelter they will experience prosperity, growth, and more diversity. For those who don't they will degrade themselves to xenophobic isolationism. They will flounder. 

There was a 7 year old girl from India who died crossing into the Arizona desert with her mother seeking shelter. India. 

I continue to pray that the majority of people in the U.S. who extend compassion are finally able to intercede and bring about peace to those fleeing violence by letting them in. 

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