Thursday, July 11, 2019

New Dreams in July

I have 4-to-5 things I want to blog about, but haven't gotten around to yet. But There was a dream I had earlier that I realized I've had about 3 times now that's pretty vivid and relevant, so wanted to note it. And then there was another significant dream from a week ago I also wanted to post about. 

Dream July 5th: 

Part 1: I was in the room of a 7 year old boy that looked like it was in the basement of a prison. There were bars on the windows and the walls were made of cement. He had a lamp, some toys, and a bed down there. He was also missing an arm and was clearly handicapped. 

I don't know how, but I got the sense it was a non-profit he was in. He was talking to a supporter of the non-profit, which helped disabled kids, and was crying that he couldn't support them anymore. That he had to leave and stop his involvement for personal reasons. (I'm actually alluding to this person to protect their identity. It's a guy who in the dream had a wife accuse him of cheating on her and said he needed to come back home and be under closer watch by her so he had to giveup his non-profit endevaours.) 

Don't know if the wife/cheating thing is true or more symbolic, but the man is real and has been involved in non-profits for years, including ones that help disabled kids. 

Not sure what the prison meant though. The sen I got was that these kids are "trapped" in some way (physically) where in Heaven they never would be. 

Part 2: I was in a high school auditorium that I've had dreams about a couple times. I was sitting there, with few people around and no one performing or doing anything on stage when I saw to dating women talking about their relationship. One had gotten a "Peacock-Eye" tattoo and the other had gotten zodiac sign symbol tattoos to represent how they were fated to be together. 

Part 3: I was in an open field at the same school as a high school mentor. The students liked when mentors would perform/entertain them but were disappointed I never did. I was more stoic and kind of wise. They would come to me for advice but otherwise not really notice me. They were more interested in being kids and joking around. 

Then MY girlfriend came up to me and started engaging with the kids. She was more fun and expressive than me so the kids loved her. She would dance around and play different games. I looked at it all and knew that this was kind of old. That it was a lot of immaturity and youth and not much depth. And I looked at my girlfriend and knew she wasn't perfect and that our relationship wasn't perfect either. That on a spiritual level I was an "older soul" than her. But she loved me genuinely and I loved her completely so the rest did't matter. We had harmony. 

This was one of maybe only 4 or 5 dreams I've ever had about having a girlfriend. Each one was very deep and showed this meaningful relationship that had a lot of love in it. 

Dream July 10th: 

I've had this dream a couple times and it seems "closer" and more relevant now. 

I'm at a camp? outdoors somewhere and there's a lake and some woods. I was being guided into a cabin and told I needed to put my things there and "share space" with a couple other people. It felt like I was moving in so I was kind of sad I couldn't bring more stuff. 

I tried getting along with some of the people there, but it was like high school and I actually saw a couple people I had worked with in the Vertical Farm -which I'm pretty sure means I'm going to run into some similar people at some point. 

I mostly just kept to myself and explored the outdoors because people were in "clicks" and I just wasn't fitting in. So I swam and the lake was beautiful and felt spiritually refreshing. Then people -who had somehow been distracted from the outdoors and spent too much time revolving around each other -decided to have fun and play in the lake. 

It then got a little crowded and I wanted to go off and explore and do other things. 

I've had other dreams about being welcomed in to that kind of camp. Maybe I'm a camp counselor? I have no clue. But I feel like the adventure park I'm working at is meant to pave the way for something like that to happen. 

God has a plan. It's just that it isn't on Google maps and it's more based on landmarks that exact coordinates. 

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