Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Dreams July 17th 2019

Dream 1: Dad, my sister Emily, and I were at his house (I think?), but out back near a wooded area. There were other people around and nigh-time/stars coming out was just starting. 

There was a big thunderstorm rolling in, which is usual for where my dad lives, so I didn't think much of it and went inside. 

Then when I looked back outside there was a strange white light of "lightning" that looked different from the usual kind. It was much brighter. 

I went back outside and everyone in the opening beside the wooded area was frightened. Then a person dressed in Civil War soldier clothing appeared, looked shocked, and then disappeared in time with the lightning. Every time there was a flash of this lightning a ghost from a past time (mostly Civil War) would appear, looked surprised that they could be seen, and then disappear/cross over. 

I was perfectly calm during this whole thing and only had two thoughts: 

1. Wow I didn't know there were this many Civil War-related deaths in the area
2. Glad the ghosts are finally being crossed over and things are moving forward 

My dad, Emily, and I then ran to  nearby restaurant to take cover from the storm. I ordered a hot chocolate and told the waitress, "You better get two more for my dad and sister -they look like they're going to need them." I then explained to them what was happening and that it was a good thing. 

Dream 2: 

Part 1: I was at my dad's old house with my sister and my step-sister Sarah. 

My dad's old house had a balcony, swimming pool, and  a great view of the city. I was being told in the dream in a way that was pseudo-verbal but mostly just understood that the house was being given to me. 

We sold that house a long time ago, so the dream is saying I'm intended for a similar home. It's also interesting because that house was originally built by my grandfather in the 70's and my grandma and dad lived there, so dad eventually inherited it. 

Part 2: I accepted that I was mean to move into the house and so I went out front to grab my suitcase from the trunk of my car. 

When I stepped out front there was a wooden dock next to the house and a large pond with alligators swimming in it. Everyone was afraid of the alligators and was avoiding them. 

Then a little girl picked up a baby alligator and started petting it and hugging it. There was a blessed spiritual moment when she did this. When a bigger alligator came close, she was told to let it go and move away from them. The sense that I got was because she had embraced the baby alligator, at some future point in time it would remember the girl spiritually and refrain from harming anyone like her. 

I realized when I woke up that this was an answer to a question I had in my head yesterday. 

I'm donating a lot of stuff to Goodwill and was going through a box of old toys (the last of all the toys I've ever owned that I would want to pass down to my children). This was this toy alligator and I debated whether or not to keep it. I decided in favor, but wondered what kind of meaning it would hold or good it would do as a toy. 

Then I remembered that when I was 10 at dad's house I would frequently go around trying to catch lizards. At one point I caught an alligator lizard and it kind of frightened me because it was bigger than the usual ones and looked like it wanted to bite me. 

I think I'm meant to understand that the more people are caring towards animals, the better chance they have at being caring back towards people in this life and their next ones. 

Part 3: I eventually reached the car and had a present for my sister, so I gave it to her kind of out of the blue. She said thanks and then gifted Me a bunch. And then I found more for me from my mom and other relatives in the car trunk. I think it was my birthday. 

I also found a box of greasy donuts in the suitcase, took it out, and had no desire to eat them. Lately I've definitely gotten the sense that eating healthier is a top priority. 

These dreams were very clear and the messages were easy enough for me to understand. 

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