Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Paving the Way

I like how it takes months for fairly obvious spiritual understandings that have been laid out to finally dawn on me. I've told God to treat me like an idiot for that reason. 

Early 2019 my step mom took my dad, my step brother, and I to a restaurant in Idaho Springs. It's this nice little historic town where gold in Colorado was first discovered. 

At the time my step mom had just started working with a woman entrepreneur and her son -both living in 2 different states and with 2 completely different businesses. The son wanted to support the mom, but needed his own business -an adventure park -to be successful first. 

Fast forward to me working in Idaho Springs at that adventure park and also with the woman entrepreneur based out in Texas. 

The way you're led into things might be more obvious if you pay spiritual attention, verses just blindly wander through life. 

And I've also come to understand that where I'm working now (in the mountains surrounded by nature) is also a stepping stone to a path I'm being led down. 

I was meant for movement. My life has never been fixed in one place, even as a child being moved from house to house from parent to parent after they divorced. I'm like water that flows down a river. I think I'm meant to Evolve into more of an Ocean, but there's still movement. The ocean has tides. 

Travel is a word that keeps coming up. I think I'm finally ready to explore the world. 

It's also pretty incredible that around February this year I got very clear and asked God to lead me to a place that had :Creativity, Nature, and Adventure. Doing graphic design and marketing at an adventure park in the mountains is pretty on-point. 

2 Weeks ago I rafted for the first time since I was 8 years old. I was nervous at first, but soon found comfort in trusting the guide who I later realized was like a shepherd on the water. These rafting guides would drown themselves to save a guest who'd fallen off the boat. 

The views down the river were incredible and I remembered a dream where I was rafting down the same path -like deja vu but with the memory of a dream about that reality in the moment. 

I was present and felt "covered" and looked after. It was reinvigorating. And I understood that going forward my life would be like that: A journey of exciting moments followed by a peaceful gliding on the surface. And then you reach the shore. 

So I'm on a path that's been picking up it's pace and should be a lot more open and exciting. 

Today I pulled 3 cards from my angel card deck: 

-Swan (transforming spiritually from astral travel, higher journeys we make as a soul, and trusting in God)

-Astral Travel (as always I appreciate God for spelling it out clearly for me) 

-Perfect Timing (just another reminder things are happening the way they're meant to) 

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