Friday, June 14, 2013

New Tweets/Status Posts

Emily: "...There is a good chance that there is a Star Trek 2 meme out there... the bromance between Spok and Capt. Kirk is unmistakable. They clearly got drunk one night and slept together at some point, but wont admit their love for each other."

Ken: "Broke back ship??"

Emily: "Yes!!! The way they talk, you know they are lovers."

Me: "I sensed it as well. That's probably what Spock and his girlfriend were really arguing about..."

Emily: "It all makes sense! Kirk sleeps around with random women because he secretly desires Spock. Spock is too naive to realize Kirk's true feelings, since logic dictates that a captain hunk like him would never go for the half-human Spock, and has thus friend-zoned him. Uhura senses the love bond between the two. She wishes to further them apart as she views Kirk as a rival. She also knows that Spock is fiercely loyal to Kirk and so cannot stand in his way."

Me: "It's a love triangular-square thing..."

They're always striving to make technology more intuitive -which is great because you have to be psychic to figure anything like that out these days.

This is why I love technology... somebody created a parody Twitter account for "@Federal_PRISM" -the system the NSA uses to wiretap and secretly check people's emails and phone calls.

That awkward moment when someone outside of town comes in and has more fun in your town in 7 days than you do in a year.

"reciate"... There's an App for that...

My new favorite word: Scribe. It's a devoted writer.

Today's News: A celebrity is rumored to be spreading rumors about a rumor she heard. Further details at 11...

A good tv series is tragically removed from Youtube. Check back in 2 months later: ALL episodes are back. God bless you sir!

was trending on Yahoo! News and I thought it was because of something he did... He won a CMT award! It's Good news!

Chef Ramsey has 5 or 6 different food shows. I think he should make a 7th: The winners from his shows compete to win best of the best.

I am a nature junkie and National Geographic is my dealer.

Every once in a while I'll look back at past-me for helping out future-me and I think, "Wow! I was really thinking ahead that day."

"I appreciate your time." ~Gob as he slight-of-hand steals Michael's watch from him.

Bing -I don't want to hear it. I can't get the picture on your page. You had One job Bing, ONE job... so no more complaining about Google.

"I took my family to a movie last week... to stay consistent with my history of making bad financial decisions." ~

“The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It’s the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared.” -Lois Lowry, The Giver

My official review of the movie Star Trek 2: It's funny, lots of action, visually amazing, and Spock cries. Worth seeing in 3D.

The Best Way to Rest: Rest easy, Rest assured, Rest in peace, and leave the Rest to fate.

Niki Minaj and Mariah are off Idol. Randy's gone too. It's just Keith Urban now -the way God intended things to be. :)

I should make a new show. Call it "Moderately-Good Chef". I can handle toast and Rice-A-Roni, but not a souffles.

I was totally conscious for that 2 and a half hour Employee Awareness ISO Presentation and I have the notes to prove it. Audit away...

The end of life is not to be happy, nor to achieve pleasure and avoid pain, but to do the will of God, come what may. ~Martin Luther King Jr

How Society Reacts to Your Grades: Bad at the Arts -You just have a technical mind. Bad at Math -You must be stupid.

Things that are working for me today: Heard a good joke, found my coat so I'm not freezing, drinking coffee, and got free banana bread.

Wheel of Foodtune: How 4 people at the office can now decide on what they want to eat for lunch.

People dissing the new Arrested Development and I haven't even gotten the chance to see it yet. NO SPOILERS!!!

I will never complain about the weather again...

"When I eventually met Mr. Right I had no idea that his first name was Always." -Rita Rudner

"Depression is when you don’t really care about anything. Anxiety is when you care too much about everything."

"I no doubt deserved my enemies, but I don't believe I deserved my friends." ~Walt Whitman

Word on the streets is Window 8 sucks. The downside to upgrades...

Written in the dust on the the back of a mini van in front of me: "If wish my wife was this dirty." Classy...

We went from the Year of the Dragon to the Year of the Snake. Downgrade... When's the Year of the Squirrel?

"How many people here have telekenetic powers? Raise my hand." -Emo Philips

"You can lead a man to Congress, but you can't make him think." -Milton Berle

Ever notice that if a website has a ".org" ending it's legit and actually aspires to do some good? .Org is the PBS of Internet sites.

A high school physics class is at Great America today on a "field trip". Why couldn't my high school have done that?

"Never play leap frog with a unicorn." -Advice from a Commercial on the Radio

Rain = Nature's car wash

Andrea: "I now have whiplash from all the back and forth miscommunications here at work. I'm going to apply for worker's comp..."

Facebook: "11 friends and 10 million other people are playing this game". Well I guess that's a legit reason to join it then...

Today I found out why parents never move in with their kids. My apartment is not the Taj Mahal. My condolences.

Quote the Raven: 'Never more.' Quote the Crow: 'We're in a tree! It's 6am! We're annoying! We're in a tree!'

A. W. E. : A Wondrous Experience

"Remember the first rule of book club: Don't read 'Fight Club'." ~Stephen Colbert

My wit's end has been extended.

What would life look like if I didn't procrastinate? I should try to envision that later...

If you want a fun, amusing job work with a bunch of engineers. When they get bored and decide to entertain themselves... Genius.

"Oh, bless his heart, he's just being stupid right now. He'll figure it out later." -Shouldn't you be blessing his brain then?

Spring Weather Report: Eat Coast = Frozen. West Coast = On Fire. Middle America = Blow away by Tornadoes.

Clerk: "Did you find everything ok?" Dean: "You're all out of free stuff." Clerk: "That's usually the first thing to go in the morning."

Congress should take notes from the Kentucky Derby for filibusters. 3 hour coverage for a 2 minute race.

There's this strange language called 'Anime'. It's like Japanese but instead of symbols they use images of people with big eyes and neon ...

Opens email: "If you are reading this email you just proved email marketing works..." Deletes.

My first attempts at working with Nespresso coffee machine this morning were...awkward. But somebody brought in donuts, so all is well.

Remember the good old days when president's took the time to make quotes to live by... JFK, FDR, Lincoln, Washington...

I wish I could "like" posts on Twitter -because I like that post but I don't feel comfortable re-posting. I don't like it THAT much...

Million dollar idea for today: Instead of strawberries dipped in thin chocolate syrup, make it chocolate frosting. Call them "Frostberries".

Am I the only one who automatically thinks there's a plane crashing down somewhere when people say "May Day"?

I'm putting some new pictures up in my cubicle -or "deskorating" as I like to call it.

If I were a Pokemon I would be odd-ish.

Cameron: "There's more to being a great leader than being a jerk." Dr. House: "The world will never know."

Just saw 2 marathon walkers in Los Gatos come out of a Starbucks. Athletics at its finest.

Just saw my first Estate Sale. It's creepy. It's in the person's house -not on the lawn. It's creepy...

"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." -Albert Einstein

I hate statistic updates. In sum: Everything you enjoy doing is killing you and everything you hate doing would make your life 79% better.

When somebody says, "This is going to sound weird..." I usually think of Smurfs riding unicorns -Which makes whatever they say sound normal.

Order issue with Quill for a month now. Feel like going Julia Roberts/Pretty Woman on them. I buy lots of office supplies. I don't need you.

Hate when a person in a group talks on and on and on... Unless you're giving a speech, let's keep it to a 10 minute maximum.

"Do pre-recorded calls drive you nuts?" You should have asked me that before you sent the pre-recorded call asking that question.

Dear partying neighbors from last night: Cinco de Mayo is not this week. Cinco = 5, de = of, Mayo = Mayonnaise. Update your calendar.

Our current currency. A long video, but one everyone needs to see:

If it looks like I'm friends with a bunch of little kids and babies on Facebook it's just my friends posting their kids as their profile pic

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