Friday, June 28, 2019

From Revelations to Revolutions

I was at the women's group event a couple days ago. I met a woman who does interior decorating and a woman who sells life insurance and financial planning. 

And then I met two women who had never met before who had very similar, unique businesses. 

The first was a nutritionalist who (checks pamphlet) is a certified health coach and owns her own business. She also has 12 years of experience as an orthopedic spine physical therapist. 

And this is where things got interesting, the woman beside her who neither of us had ever met before chimed in and said, "My health business just partnered with an osteopathic medicine company that helps people with depression and other mental health issues by working along the spine without the use of drugs." Her business itself involved bone health and other technical terms I don't remember that ensure a person is getting enough calcium and watching their bone density. 

My first thought after meeting them is, "Wow, they're still carrying on. Women are still focusing on those kinds of alternative wellness methods and doing well." I've probably met over 30 people who have been in businesses like that for decades. 

But on the drive to work it kind of clicked and dawned on me: The spine is the key to the body. It connects the head to everything else. It's the engine of the vehicle and the hard drive of a computer. And people are using lessons from physical therapy, chiropractics and building off of that to address a wide range of issues effecting the body. And then there's more. 

Bigger picture: People are finding remarkably effective means of addressing health issues without drugs or harmful treatments. 

Not to say it cures everything, but it has resolved issues modern medicine has labelled "unchangeable". 

And I realized: Maybe this is God's solution to the medical industry and its desire to put profit above the welfare of people. 

Imagine if the industry were rendered irrelevant. If in one form or another, locally, there were people addressing a wide range of health problems -often holistically -at less cost and with greater, healthier methods. 

We all know that medical marijuana is a God-send for a wide range of issues including PTSD and epilepsy. So, this might be a new shift in the right direction. 

I think when you back people in a corner and tell them they have no options other than dying because you render them incapable of being able to afford to live -God steps in. 

I think the form that takes is usually something seen as "out there" and "unusual" and distrusted until yoga catches on and people realize all the wonderful spiritual and health benefits that go with it. And it's usually very spiritual people who are the first to suggest it and adopt it. 

And the same is happening in other fields beyond medicine. Especially given how much greed and corruption is rampant in so many institutions. 

I think the government is on the list. They just basically rendered the black vote invalid with the Supreme Courts ruling on gerrymandering. Same for a lot of people in poverty. When the system is rigged against people, people always make a new system. 

Myspace thought it was everything until it wasn't and Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram came along. 

If it's against the people, the people will create something for them. Just like God does. 

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