Sunday, June 23, 2019

Heaven Coming Through - June 2019

For the past couple days my mind's been thinking a lot about the concentration camps/ internment camps/ privatized inhumane facilities/ helish prisons/ "legal" way of violating people's rights cages/ whatever you want to call them that children are currently imprisoned in. 

#1 It's an insult to Primo Levi not to call these concentration camps. Besides the fact that they are the basic, obvious definition of one, Levi had to explain to people that "genocide" wasn't something that just occurred in the Holocaust: That even as he was answering questions about that past genocide he had to explain that current ones were also going on in Africa and other countries. 

And we've had concentration/internment camps before in America. The Japanese internment camps in California are one of the more easily remembered ones. This tragically isn't new for us. 

#2 How Hell Works: 

-In less than a year 6 children have died in these camps under government custody where for 10 years not one death occurred. And we know this. And have known it for months and months and months. 

-For MANY years these kids have been the victims of sexual abuse int he 1,000s. Even before it started being noted on record (which was within the past couple years) we could have easily guessed this would occur. WE'VE KNOWN for a WHILE NOW. 

-This week: It was discovered unsurprisingly that unsanitary conditions were occurring including lack of soap, toothbrushes, and beds.  We've know Medical Neglect was occurring for a WHILE. Guessing that these unsanitary conditions were occurring should come as no shock. 

And yet, more than ANY other time until now there's finally some traction around improving the conditions these kids are in. Why is that? Why does Soap gain traction, but not molestation or Death? 

I've seen this pattern occur many times before. I maintain there's actually a part in the Bible that alludes to it. It mentions Pharoah's heart being hard like a rock during the deadly plagues. Even if you think it's a spiritual/non-literal metaphor, what is being said? 

That even if the sky was raining fire and frogs were jumping everywhere, you would still write it off and be resistant to change until a final straw came about. And sometimes the final straw isn't that big. Sometimes the straw is just a strand. 

Hell numbs people to compassion and their own hearts as long as possible to create INACTION. Mentally you can conceptually understand something is immoral, unethical, cruel or plain evil -but something holds a person or people back from action occurring. 

So this WHOLE TIME Heaven has been trying to reach people by showing them the truth: 

-Children have died: No change. 

-Children have been abused: No change. 

-Children don't have Medical Care they need: No change. 

-Children don't have toothbrushes: ACTION! CHANGE! 

It's like trying to break down a door until finally the last hinge falls and it gets slightly pushed open and falls to the ground. 

The lesson in this is to ignore the numbness and remember the gravity of reality. If you Know something isn't right, is negative/dark, or evil then don't normalize, rationalize, or ignore it. 

Don't get numb to your soul. 

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