Friday, May 31, 2019

Lesson for Today

I find it ironic and maybe appropriate that as I get older and wiser I write less. Of course, part of that might be because I had a lottttt more time to write when I was younger. Yah it's probably time. 

On any given day I have at least 5 genuinely inspired spiritual thoughts of worth. Usually when I'm driving. And I don't have a pen. Early in the morning right before work begins. 

I can't remember today's. Something about going at your own pace and not being distracted into conformity by what others are doing. 

I do remember one: We're meant to soak in more of life. 

This is the hardest transition: To let go of your attachment to the moment and what you want to control in it to trusting in the day and letting it unfold as you slowly enjoy it. To shift into that mentality and not lose it. 

I knew on the drive into work as I past by the grandeur of beautiful mountains surrounding me the second I walked into the office it'd be gone. My calm, my connectedness, my trusting in life... All gone. 

But at least I got to be creative for a while today. It's a graphic design/marketing position. 

But now I'm tired and sucked dry. Got nothing energy-wise left. Can't remember my great epiphanies from earlier. Want sleep. 

I feel like this is how Hell undermines everything. We grasp for Heaven, get tripped from under, mourn the fall down, and forget what we were even grasping for to begin with. The "trip" can be anything: Poverty, cruelty, gossip, banging your elbow on the desk, world issues of the day... anything. 

I keep seeing TV shows and movies about the 1920s, 1940s, and 1960s-70s lately. Without trying. And after watching the black and white scenes of  past ignorances and mistakes, I pop into Instagram and see this vast array of color and art and creative inventions and beautiful places, and marvelously constructed buildings, and vast landscapes. 

God wants us to know the truth of what Hell has been so we can stop being tripped up by it and focus on what good there is out there for us to come home to. 

This faze is healing the past by acknowledging its wounds and patterns -even as they play out now in the present- so we can move forward as if they never were or could ever be again. 

And to do that we have to do it ourselves in our own individual lives and it's a challenging process. 

It involves handing over every pain to God and saying, "Yes I am ready to let this go, move on to greater things, and no longer cling to darkness." 


Some days Hourly. 

Then it fades. It's kind of like magic actually. I'm still surprised by the distance and the fading. Things that wounded and upset me are muted. They don't hurt anymore. We slowly overcoming everything that way. 

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