Sunday, November 7, 2021

The Future -The Flood

I haven't written much in a while and for a lot of great reasons. For the record, going back through my older blogs, between the font being inconsistent and my thoughts being scattered I wish I could redo and revamp the whole thing but I'm pretty sure it would be in vain. 

I've been going through "ascension systems". You climb the mountain by 3 feet, fall back two, climb up 5, fall back three... You see the peak of where you're at but still get drug back by what darkness hasn't been cleared out. It's painful and draining. The shadow is heavy. 

But the future is why I'm here today. There will be a flood. My guess off-hand is many years from now, maybe even a decade. 

In 2019 I wrote a blog stating very matter-of-factly that there was a great problem heading our way.

I listed out the possibilities which included horrible weather, economic collapse, and a new disease. Under the issue of "plague" I had written of a very vivid dream I had where everyone suddenly got sick around me and I suddenly got wings and was somehow immune. 

In the blog I had also written of severed winter weather -which I'm pretty sure is actually going to hit this winter 2021 in Colorado where I live. I also mentioned a flood being possible. 

The flood issue is why I'm writing -having gotten greater clarity with it. Where we've been navigated and diverted from other disasters, including nuclear war in the past, with the aid of our friends from above -now they've accepted this fate for us. We won't be veered from it. 

Most of the West coast will be gone. Some of the East coast will fall under as well. 

My concern for my own future is Colorado -which will be interesting. 

I've written in the past about not going further into the Rocky Mountains past Georgetown and having it made spiritually clear that there is danger that way, the map of future flooding I've seen does seem to cover that region of the mountains.

Which brings me to the spiritual layout of Colorado:

The way this state lays out -Left Half covered (and in the case of flood, protected from western coastline flooding) by Rocky Mountains. The Right half, flat land and prarie planes. Half and Half a Yin/Yang scenario. If you look closely you can also see that the way the roads layout is like a Cross. The Cross is laid over the State. 

This place is spiritually compelling -you have spiritual healers/New Agers, devout Christians, the influence of Celestial Begins/UFOs that are synonymous, the Denver International Airport which heads major Airflight travel and is also heavily protected by Celestials. You also have regions that had "Grecian God" influence with massive mansions sloped on mountainsides. But all co-existing in harmony, especially now. 

There was also the Ute and Native People's spiritual influence. My guess, and more than guess, is some lands are in fact cursed. If you told me the Native People cursed the lands west of the Rocky Mountains to white colonizers I'd say, "Yah." But the Native influence in the mountains is also marked by places that are still watched over and looked after. 

There's also the fact the land is affiliated with Healing. Manny came to be treated for their tuberculosis -the main purpose of Stanley Hotel originally being built. Clear air, mountains and nature, and then space. 

The only anomaly I see that's confusing spiritually is whenever I come down from the mountains and see the statue of Jesus from the Mother Cabrini Shrine (which from a distance looks like Mary and I refer to as Mary because that's what it is intended to be). The statue genuinely looks like a lighthouse overlooking the sea. And the view over the distant cityscape appears with a blue hue like an ocean. And it makes me wonder whether that's there because in ancient times Denver was under the ocean and it was all sea and then beachland, or whether it's because it may get hit harder than expected by a future flood. 

Either way, Colorado is a paradox: It will get hit and be wounded, but simultaneously remain free and unharmed. 

Right now I'm being led to hunker down. It is understood that here is where I'm most protected and by the most diverse collective of beings that are benevolent and that I align with.

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