Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Time Shift

Things have been weird(er) lately. Not sure what's going on. 

Last week it felt like there was a slow-down that then hit a brick wall. Like everything was being delayed, things weren't getting done, and then October 30th hit and everything got dark. I realized there was a greater reason behind our instinct for having Halloween at this particular time of year. 

October 20th to November 20th is Scorpio season -a time that's marked by dark, hidden truths coming to light. This means when Scorpio aligns with the moon (usually at the end of the month) and the moon turns into a full moon (the culmination of things related to the sign it's in) we get a heaping dosage of dark/negative things being brought to light. It was a bit much. 

Then November 2nd to 3rd had a time lapse where time seemed off (wheterh that was our fault in making it daylights savings time or whether time being thrown off is why we have designate that date for daylights savings time I don't know). 

Then on November 4th it's like everything lifted and life was good again. 

Things still feel "off" and like we're trying to get back on track again, but this world is definitely going through something. 

On the plus side, true and lasting change has and is occurring on the spiritual front in great and profound ways. Maybe all of this is just the negative response to that breakthrough. 

Either way, I got sick at work and have felt drained while other times I've felt full of energy and had an upbeat attitude. 

I just want peace and for life to leave me alone. It's winter and we could all use a break. 

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