Saturday, November 23, 2019

Shift in Clarity

I hated October. Scorpio season is officially the worst season on the planet. All of the darkness is every region of your life comes to light and punches you in the face. It was horrible. There were maybe 1 or 2 days during the whole last month that felt open, clear, and light. 

But you do learn what wounds there are to heal. I realized I still have a mental fixation on "being right" and proving things to others that distracts me from being present. I still have some anxiety around things being taken out of my control. I also rely to heavily on external assistance when it's available rather than providing and digging deep to overcome things on my own. 

So that's going to get sorted out spiritually moving forward. 

In the meantime, Heaven has made great strides in paving the way and clearing out old, heavy energy. Some places you can feel are spacious and open for miles on the spiritual front. You can pick up on them more clearly. If I start thinking negatively and get distracted from perceiving what's around me -I'm in a dark hole. If I'm present and upbeat then I can tell right away -beyond perceiving it -that the space around me is clearer. 

As for the future, I realized I can see things better that are closer at hand, like what the next 3 years will look like than the next 50. And given how easily shifted things between the negative and positive it might be best just to take things 1 year at a time. 

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