Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Big Shift & Good Changes

I feel like we're all on a ship at sea with someone else steering and we keep seeing sea monsters and ice bergs and all these things we can potentially hit that would sink us, and slowly but surely we're led away from those things. 

I now get the sense the economic collapse probably won't happen -or at least is less likely to. A shift in the economy towards greater equity will occur and I think Hell's plan was to knock down the whole Jenga tower, but we've evaded that fate. 

Right now light forces are paralleling planets the way I was led to to with different locations. You take the positive spiritual energy from one and pour it into the place that's lacking it. They're using positive locations elsewhere and paralleling them to our planet. 

I also got the sense after watching way too many episodes of Property Brothers on Thanksgiving, that they're doing things in steps. 

Step 1: Enlighten people to what they plan to do. 
Step 2: Start slowly implementing that shift and temper positive influence with the negative bash-lack. 
Step 3: Clear away old, negative energies. 
Step 4: Once enough space has been cleared away and enough of a foothold has been gained, they can directly remove negative forces and influences. 
Step 5: Let the wound start to heal and get clearer. 
Step 6: Start formal introductions and the world starts shifting in more obvious, drastic ways towards greater good. 

At some point a final confrontation may occur. Not sure. But there is a plan and the reason that plan has taken so long to be implemented is because it included people in the most vulnerable situations most directly effected by Hell's influence and pain. 

In other news, my computer, iPad, and car all started to shut down this past week. Car battery died completely and had to be replaced. iPad glitched out when I really needed it to get to the airport using an app and directions. Computer started glitching while I was o the internet and really need to accomplish things at work at a pressing time. Then when I got to my mom's she said her cell phone had died and she had to scramble around for 3 days trying to get a new one while only being able to contact people through the internet. 

So technology being used against people by failing on them when they need it might come up again at some point on a grander scale -or at least that's what Hell appears to be up to now. It's all cat-and-mouse right now. 

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