Thursday, November 7, 2019

It's Starting

I was wondering when the official kick-off would begin, and apparently that was on November 4th. 

For thousands of years Heaven has tried to reach people through the darkness and the pain. It's been like holding a faint candle in a wind tunnel at night. Now that Heaven has more foothold it's officially coming through. Spiritually speaking the effect has been momentous. 

when I feel the presence of Christ it isn't as vague, I can see Him more clearly, and it's like He's able to reach out and touch me. Same with the other "light forces" out there. The veil is gone. And yesterday was kind of frightening because it felt like a sinkhole was happening. 

The world has been caked in a kind of thick, dark energy -like a room filled with smoke that's hard to breathe in. They cleared away the energy on the surface, but these past couple days they then went further and cleared ALL of it from below the surface. Hell retaliated and instead of dark, heavy energy you got pained/anxious/overwhelming negative energy that filled the space. It felt like you were going to fall through the floor into an abyss. 

And when you called on Heaven and asked those above to come through some of that faded away -but it still felt like they were further above you and harder to reach. It's been kind of a nightmare. And yet at the same time this profound, extensive positive energy from Heaven is coming through plane as day. 

It's starting. 

This is the beginning and the turning point. Heaven is officially moving forward and bulldozing all the negative structures of influence. 

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