Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Past Dreams of Future Times

My dreams are getting very specific again. They fall into 2 main categories: Vision/Metaphor and Reality/This is going to happen exactly. Always happy to get guidance. 

Last year I had 2 dreams. 

One was a deja-vu moment. I was sitting at a bar with 4 other people and I thought it was weird that there was a bar. It was very light inside the room, not a lot of noise, and there were woods outside. Strange place, which is maybe why I remembered it so well when I woke up. There was an older blonde woman talking to me, but I don't remember about what. 

Then that moment happened about 2 months ago. My step-mom got involved with a woman entrepreneur named Phyllis. Phyllis has a son who owns an adventure park here in Colorado. I decided to volunteer and help out with graphic design marketing for Phyllis since she's trying to launch her business nationally after being a solo entrepreneur for over 30 years. I was then also requested to help out with the adventure park marketing/graphics since they're having their opening season this year. I go to the adventure park, up in the mountains. The lodge has an upstairs with a BAR and a window looking out into the woods. Phyllis surprisingly showed up -blonde, energetic 70 year old that she is. Phyllis is highly intuitive since she's been working with people -particularly kids -for so long. It was fate. 

Her business involves helping people with ADHD and dyslexia using chiropractic techniques and neuroscience WITHOUT Drugs. My sister has struggled with ADHD for years -including the Aderol she was put on- and my dad has issues with dyslexia. 

Last year I also had another dream where I drove up into the mountains and came to what I now call and Institute. there was a 10 year old boy and a blonde woman that looked kind of like Phyllis there. They were showing me around and telling me stuff I don't remember. It was so vivid and clear and bright out. There was a play area for kids, upscale/cabin lodgings and the whole place was in the woods. I think she's meant to make an Institute sort of organization where people can fly to her (kind of like they do now) and stay. Her program usually takes about 10 weeks and she's based out in Texas. The results from her work are astounding. She debated turning it into a "franchise" with different clinics throughout the U.S., but the people looking to invest were mostly just in it for the money and the whole model didn't seem right. This work is too important to be founded the wrong way on full scale. 

The day before I met Phyllis at the "bar", I had a dream about a boy who'd been kidnapped. We were able to track him down and find him. He was on the ground in a contorted position and there were ropes binding his hands behind him. I looked at him and knew/understood: He was some sort of mental impairment -like ADHD/dyslexia that's preventing him from being free in some way. We cut the chord and he was free to run and live normally. 

I told Phyllis the dream and she said, her work involves re-aligning the mind with the body through neural pathways. That the mind isn't cement. It can shift. 

As for the adventure park I'm now working at 2 days a week, I've had deja vu moments -but only in the bathroom. The bathroom has a weird gray/blue wall coloring and brown/tan tiles that kind of stand out. The bathroom's look is just a little different, so I remember it pretty well from my dreams. Other than that I haven't really had dreams about it. 

It is amazing that I asked God for more creative work -like graphic design - and now I have 3 businesses I do graphic design marketing for: Phyllis, the adventure park, and the women entrepreneur's group. It's a lot. I also still work as a greenhouse tech in a vertical farm. 

Which brings me to the dream I had 2 nights ago: 
In my dream I was sitting in a classroom of teenagers. The teacher asked everyone a question and hands hot up because everyone knew. But I didn't raise my hand because I knew that when the teacher knew that everyone knew, he would call on no one. Which is what happened. And I just sat there the only one not raising my hand because I was ahead of the game. Then someone entered the room and said it was time to start taking students out. He called for the 3 students in the first front row to leave -me being number 3. I took the rose-looking lettuce in my hand (which we grow at the vertical farm) and put it in my pocket sentimentally. Then we left the classroom. 

We passed through a classroom of elementary students and the teacher in that room was gazing after me in a creepy way that made me uncomfortable and I tried to not look at him and avoid him. Then we entered into an elementary school library and I was like, "Yay, I love libraries!" Then we passed by some of the books and there were 3 that popped out in different sections as I went through. Enslaved Children of Today. Human Trafficking of Female Children. Girls Exploited. And it hit me: Those are dark subjects being presented in a kid-friendly way. I take this to mean I'm meant to find out more about this issue which I understand the gravity of, but haven't wanted to hear more about because the instances of that kind of abuse and the stories that have already come to light make me want to throw up. There's a Netflix documentary on it that I can't stomach watching right now. It's one of the most f*cked up human issues in the history of humankind. 

Next we left the library and there was a spiritual/new age shop I wanted to go in, but it was locked. I feel like this is a pretty significant theme in my life. I WANT to go to the safe spiritual spaces that have everything I love about religions and cultures and beliefs and symbols and artifacts and books on ancient civilizations... but I'm not meant to stay there. I pop in, but I'm meant to go out into places that are mostly Devoid of that kind of influence and bring God in. I'm the Mary Poppins of Light workers randomly showing up in a variety of unrelated places that seem to do a lot better once I pray to God to fix everything there. But I never stay. Including in spiritual spaces. 

Then in my dream there was a stray puppy outside the shop and I immediately bent down and started kissing the puppy and bringing it into my arms. The person I was with said, "It probably has flees" and looked down on it. I then took the stray puppy with me -which then turned into a cat -and went on. I love animals. How people can treat them like garbage to be disposed of I don't know. 

The last place we went was a fancy restaurant. I've been to that restaurant in dreams before. I've stood outside and seen the steps leading into it. I knew I couldn't take the puppy/cat with me so I had to let it go. Then I went in. It was a really nice restaurant and I normally worry about money in my dreams and being able to afford things, but didn't this time. My Grandma Cookie -who I talked to on Facebook yesterday -was sitting really far away at another table. So I got up and sat beside her and noticed a black father and son eating a meal at the next table. The symbolism of what all this represents is still a little beyond me. Will I go to that specific restaurant? Does it represent me being at leisure enjoying family life? was it a test to see if I was over money-fear based issues? Not sure. 

Then there was last nights dream. Which was a lot... 

I was at some sort of Catholic "school"... even though it was more like dorms/apartments than school classrooms. I got drunk/disoriented and vandalized things against my will under the influence of several other people. It was like dumping over trash cans or something. The next morning I was hung over?... still a little disoriented and 2 priests grabbed me as if I was being arrested and took me into a large tower/cathedral. 2 friends of mine immediately tried getting in to bring me back, but they were blocked. 

The priests told me I was bad/sin and needed to be punished. I was put higher up a couple floors above in the tower. That's when I came across my "higher self"/sainted soul. She was dressed in a long white gown and seemed to be radiant and light. She was calm, didn't say much. I immediately knew I needed to help her escape/set her free. My friends managed to get in and I explained to them that they needed to help me set this woman free. So we took her arm and led her back outside the tower. When we got back to our apartment, the priests were going through my stuff deciding what to sell to profit off of while I was locked away in the tower. I was pissed. I went up to them and earnestly asked, "Is this what Christ has called you to do?" They didn't care. 

From that dream I came to understand I still have negative attachments to religious institutions + archaic beliefs that are holding me back from being more free. Which is sort of true. We get obsessed with "not stepping out of line" and being scolded and behaving right and it traps us in a box spiritually. On top of that it's an eternal frustration to see my beliefs degraded by being affiliated with hypocritical, abusive institutions of power and greed and bigotry. It's like loving horses and then watching the Kentucky Derby. "Well don't you like the derby -it has horses?" Most of those horses and bent. They're treated unethically. If you love horses, you don't love racing:

So right now I'm mostly trying to continue letting go of the negative, and welcoming in the New and whatever else God has intended for me in this crazy life. I know things are going to get rocky big-picture wise. The last strands of attachment to the way of life we're accustomed to living died a couple a months ago. I'm cool with everything giving-way to make way for Greater. 

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