Saturday, April 13, 2019

Going Forward

I wish I could summarize everything and get it out clearly. Then again, things go back and forth between being murky and clear so maybe it's best to just acknowledge that's where things are at right now. Still just going through the motions and navigating it all. 

What I do know is this: 

1. Divides Are Strong 
Besides the obvious and contentions political divides, we also have a ton of other ones. 

But any excuses that come up in your mind to rain-on people you know and many different groups of individuals in the world is just distraction and antagonizing. Let it go. 

2. Zodiac is Less Relevant Now 
-There was a shift some people felt and acknowledged towards letting go of personality blueprints and studying the stars. Again, we're just meant to trust right now and let life unfold. Also, I have a feeling the negative influences of external things are going to fade anyway. 

3. Christian Faith is Blossoming 
-It doesn't seem like it right now because again there's a lot of religious discord, but if you look past the divide you can see/feel/Know that Jesus in particular and the Holy Spirit are coming through VERY strongly and they are very close. It's deeply reassuring and calming. 

-A lot of people act like you don't need Christianity/Jesus, but what I understand is I know more than I give myself credit for on an intuitive level, but I'm still VERY blind in general. Christ is clarity. We NEED that assistance to guide us and "cover" us. We don't know what we don't know. It's like saying, "I can swim" and then jumping in an ocean not knowing the storm coming or the shark 20 feet away under the surface. Ego serves no one: Trust in God. 

4. Transmuting 
-I use words like this now without trying or thinking about it and the terms sound weird, but are perfect. We're being led to let go. To finally process and make peace with everything. 
-Not just to forgive, but to let the pain dull as if it never was. 

5. Cycle of "Triggers" 
-To go in hand with transmuting negative sentiments still being held onto, there's a cycle of pains that tend to be a pattern in your life over and over again that'll keep coming up until you say: "I'm done with this. I want to be over it. I'm moving on from this." 
-It's a crappy process, but it's best to get this all out now before 2020 hits. 

6. 2020's Going to Hurt + Liberate 
-I had a vision/dream about this. I was in a town square and suddenly had wings. then a long line of people around be got sick and fell to the ground and lined up in a row on their stomachs on the ground and we're aching and crying. I asked, "What's happening?" And I saw the darkness in them like a poison making them sick. 
-We're "purging" darkness out right now before everything "sets in". This is a part of the "Revelation" we're experiencing about Truth coming to Light and darkness no longer being able to hide. 
-Last year was like spiritual bootcamp. This year is finals before we graduate college. 
-For those who do go through the process of transmuting/purging NOW, 2020 will be a great beginning to a creat, more intended-for future. 

7. Culmination 
-Things are coming together (with Christ in the center) 
-You will see more people from "different walks of life" identifying as the same. I'm not just a veteran, I'm a mother. I'm not just a Muslim, I'm a cancer survivor. 
-We'll also see more collaborative projects and greater artistic endeavors come through 

8. Acknowledgment + Making Peace with Corruption + Evil 
-I've been led to watch a LOT of documentaries lately:
JonBenet Ramsey, Rotten, Amanda Knox, The Keepers, Abducted in Plain Sight, Madeline McCann ... 
-Common Theme: Corruption is a Global Issue 
1. Police Corruption, Corporate Corruption, Political Corruption, Religious Corruption, Media/Journalist Corruption... Institutional Corruption on almost every level 
2. Sexual Abuse -particularly of children -through familial abuse, institutional abuse, and human trafficking. 
3. 1960'2/70's = Drunken/disoriented time of "not knowing" to the extent we know things now, 1990s = First attempt at collective acknowlkedgement of issues, 2010 = First real achievement of attain that acknowledgement, but now the realization Institutions are preventing change. 
4. People can overcome past pains -including by affirming and healing alongside others who have been through similar issues 
5. People can solve crimes/circumvent failing systems/institutions through technology/internet/class-action lawsuites... 
6. Documentaries are exposing the truth/awareness is more accessible to a broader audience 
7. Group support can lead to justice 
8. New breakthroughs/solutions/innovations are being brought about 
9. People/children are better protected now than they used to be 
10. People are becoming more directly spiritual -rather than just following along to religious practices and mimicking prayer 
11. More mind-body-soul integration 
12. Greater shift towards healthier ways of living 

9. Elemental 
-For me going forward, I want less attachment to and distraction by "details". I don't want to know what the rollercoaster of human life is up to today. Politics, gossip, pains, loss, divisions... it's all Hell. And it distracts from Heaven. It's truth, but we're meant to be focusing on the Sacred as the Greatest Truth. Yes there's pain, but then there's redemption, unity, grace, peace, freedom... 
-And we're meant to be Living this. Not thinking it. Not speaking it. Not "doing it". Just Being. 

10. We're Living in the "Past"
-The better way to put it might be: Hell has reigned until now and the grip has slowly been loosened over centuries and now it's being overcome. So past pains have been present consistent until now. There's something in the Bible about Hell being "put away" for the next 1000 years so everyone has a chance to experience Heaven on Earth the way we have Hell and then after the 1,000 the box gets opened from beneath and negativity/darkness/pain is finally ended. 

-The best way to move on from this time period (and move through it) is happening for me pretty naturally/intentionally/spiritually. You live and feel like you're in the 1960s. Like you've seen the news headlines before and they're not new. Like this time period is from 30 years ago. And you can see people in the world kind of reacting the same. "That's STILL happening?"
I think that since the soul and Heaven aren't bound by time and only the world/our bodies are, we have a divine spiritual ability to live beyond the "now". The more you align with Heaven, the more this world seems foreign and old. Heavy. Weighted. Lost. OLD. The more you shift your life out of those confines.  

11. Anxiety and the Future 
-There are 2 future scenarios: A gradual, slow ascent into Heaven being founded on Earth (greater peace, prosperity, equality...) or an abrupt shift and possible conflict. Either we will be eased out of negative influence or there will be blow-back and confrontation (which looks pretty frightening and tumultuous). Not sure which will happen and God basically took away that concern for me so I no longer care or am attached to either scenario. I'm taken care of and am at peace -knowing God is the future. 

-On the downside there's weird anxiety energy going on. Like a deep clinging to anything to fret over. Empathetically/spiritually we're picking up on everyone else's anxiety and being distracted by anxiety by negative influences. It's draining and annoying. And I can mentally discredit it and quiet my mind from it, but it's there. Thank God I'm not alone and a lot of other spiritual people are reporting this same phenomenon. There advice is mostly to hold-center and go through the motions. I would add calling on Heaven for help. 

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