Thursday, April 25, 2019

Skipping Out Early

I was in my high school Economics class. I made the same mistake of thinking, "Well at least I'll learn about taxes and that will be helpful" -which every student makes until you grow up to realize the government wants you to be charged to figure out how much you owe because those businesses pay politicians who then prevent easier tax forms being made. Anyways... 

After a semester of elementary school level homework assignments and concepts being taught, I was given a final project and lumped in a group with 3 other people: 2 boys I didn't know who were constantly stoned and Elisha who I sort of knew and got along with. 

The assignment was easy -each of us track the rise and fall of a stock that we chose (we went with Target, Apple, and some other trendy companies). Elisha and I ended up doing the whole thing -the boys couldn't keep up. 

So after I compile the information, graph each stock on a chart, and put it together neatly in a folder -a week later the teacher (who was a substitute/teacher-in-training) says, "You guys turned that folder in right? I think I list it at my house..." 

And I was like, "So............" because I then had to fathom get an F or a 0 an a fairly easy assignment I had mastered. Never heard back on the folder situation -and never got it returned to us. 

For the final exam he says, "If you got an 'A' on the assignment, you can fill out this easy questionaire that only has 10 questions on it (ex. "What color is the sky?") 

He comes up to me and says, "So did you get an A?" He doesn't even know. 

I say, "Yup." with a DEEP sense of certainty. 

He hands me the 10 questions and I pass the class with an A. 

And that's where we're at right now. We've put up with a lot of crap that either didn't make sense logically, ethically, or spiritually. Nothing good. Nothing meaningful or intended for. Just distraction. Distraction from ourselves -God -EVERYTHING Good. 

And now we're being asked, "Do you keep buying into that system of delusion?" Do you want to continue on with the family drama, the judgments of others, the frustration of politics, the incalculable pains of the world -including ones you know you don't know of, and everything else. 

Do you want to heal, forgive, make peace with, hand over to God, let go of, be released from, be liberated by, transformed into, transcend beyond, live as if, and so on? 

We can skip the test. We can pass the test by passing by the test and saying, "Yah, I've learned that one and now I'm moving on and Beyond it." 

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