Monday, August 8, 2022

Progress Report

Those who are on the spiritual path upward are being fast tracked now. Or at least that's where I'm at. 

Different souls can take a different approach to handling the transmutation of darkness, but mine is to take it all upfront at once, rip the band-aid off, and get it over with. It's painful. And you end up in a strange place: Lost and yet accepting of your lostness, turned sideways and upside down but still seeing straight, and alone but knowing you aren't. 

We've been in a transitionary period for the last century that's pushing us forward. We've been in a major transitional period the last 10 years. So another 3-5 years of this is understandable and bearable. 

Right now we have faint light/Heaven influence and mostly neutrality clearing everything out. It's like spiritual energy is non-existent. And I keep fearing from time to time it's gone altogether going forward. But then spiritual beings come through and my soul kicks in and it's there again briefly. 

Neutrality isn't all that bad though. You sail through adversity like it was nothing. 

As for the rest of the world:

-Women's Issues around respect for autonomy continue to be transmuted.

-Issues involving child abuse and sexual abuse are being addressed more but are still a ways off from being completed. 

-We're veering into addressing issues around poverty and financial discrimination/class divides. 

For the hatred and mostly resentment towards those still in ignorance and those who seek the oppression of others: We're being reminded that although the spiritual community iterates the phrase "Those souls have chosen to remain in 3D/lower density and lesser knowing" we are smart enough to understand that all things considered no one would willfully choose it. 

Ignorance doesn't choose ignorance given it's ignorant of what's beyond its ignorance. 

These people are width and lack depth and are mostly under the influence of false understandings around power that darkness has led them to abide in. They aren't themselves -let alone are acting on their own behalf. They genuinely do not understand or know. 

You don't make excuse for the villain, but when you see how they got to where they are what they do tends to make more sense. 

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