Friday, September 14, 2018

Spiritual Theory: The Past is Back

There are one of two things happening here. Either we haven't fixed past issues and they're arising again -very transparently -so we can make another attempt at fixing them and/or we are sort of moving back in time to rewrite past wrongs and show how Heaven is being lived out in the present. 

Basically I think we're back to the 1960s and possibly heading towards the 1940's -which given WW1 + WW2 should concern people. 

First there's the pattern of instances from the past replaying in the present: 

These are just a few of the ones I've noticed. 

You can say on the basis of atheism that this is what happens when people don't learn from the past: It inevitably repeats itself until we do. 

But given how similar and line -for-line some of these occurrences are and how they're happening simultaneously as they originally did around the 1960s... It just seems like there's more to it than that. 

My bigger theory is that time has sort of shifted. We reached a kind of Axis and now we're going back to the beginning where everything ultimately merges back into ONE. 

I've had a couple visions about this. 

One dream I had was about Division. I don't remember it all very well, but it started with molecules/cells dividing and then evolved into man/women physically dividing and then people of difference races dividing and all the wars and divides throughout history to present day and each divide was like a rip of pain to the stomach as if your body were being severed in two. 

Then I had a dream of the people around the world coming together in peace and then 2 great lights seen from outer-space looking at the globe occurring. The first was a vast expansion of light horizontally  from the entire planet as a whole and the second was a light expanding out vertically. Then there was a huge burst of light and then everything was light.  

I think ultimately we're meant to "let go" of "self" and being individualistic in carious forms and focusing on those forms and as we get closer to discovering internal light/life force we realize it's all sort of part of the same "Ocean". Light a drop of water merging into the sea. And that we're fragments of God. We're pieces of God's light. And we're meant to "return" to God in that way and be whole again by being united with God. 

Just a theory... 

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