Thursday, April 5, 2018

Spring -A New Time in a New Age

So many things have happened in the past 4 months. I should probably cover the "bigger picture" shifts in the world first though. 

#1 The Rise of Women

There has been a lot of emphasis on MARY. The sense that I get is Jesus wants to honor Mary as God wants to honor the Feminine aspect of self. This is one of the reasons things like the #MeToo movement are holding strong. It's been culminating. People have been getting clearer and clearer on the acknowledgement of women's autonomy, freedom, humanity, and power. There is now a desire the world over for the wellbeing of women to be taken into as deep a consideration as it is for men. 

#2 The Accumulation + Gathering of Cultures

In this new time it is important for people to collectively draw from Multiple sources of spiritual strength that derive from God. The "good" that can be found in many cultures -including throughout time and some that are from ancient periods -will become more and more essential. Each culture has its own kind of medicine and emphasis placed on significant things. Try to connect to the essence of different cultures -especially those that pop up in your life over and over again. 

#3 People Being "Covered" 

This might not seem like it right now since there are still old pains from previous generations and times playing out in our every day world. Things like racial violence in particular are ramping up and people of different backgrounds are being led to suffering. This will reach its head at some point too and the line will hold and people will stand their ground and force change to occur so more and more people become protected. 

My faith in older generations wavers. I've met some people over 40 years old that are Very woke and cognizant of issues that effect the lives of other people. Then I've met others that Think that's where they're at but give-way to blind-spots where they don't see or understand the lives of certain people and the way they're disconnected from them. Even some enlightened people I know suffer by faint hints of homophobia and racism from time to time. 

But this younger generation -in part because of the honesty they've shared with regard to their sufferings -have already bled together and have a refusal towards separation and division. They are far less tainted by the influences of the past and a more susceptible to the NEW wave of influence Heaven is having on people trying to lead them to greater and greater things. they understand solidarity is Necessity. That survival will come most swiftly when we stand up for one another and don't back down to fear. When we cover one another in that way God is able to do the same Through us. 

#4 Paralleling = Empathizing and Gaining By Others 

When I synchronize with other people or see them doing the same with others, it means first off that we're spiritually connected. It's also God leading people to directly empathize with others. With this comes a warning: DO NOT BURN BRIDGES WITH OTHERS OR WISH THEM HARM/NEGATIVITY. Do as much unto others as you would yourself as possible. Extend patience and understanding. If you have discord with others it will manifest in your life and you'll go through the same thing. On the plus side we are also then capable of Gaining by one another. Look for family connections with friends and even strangers and try to bond with as many people in a genuine way as you can. We gain strength and abundance through family. 

#Being "Esoteric" 

This is actually one of my longest struggles and pains. At some point you realize you aren't going to be able to explain everything to people or have them understand you. People won't get where you're coming from and they'll think you're "weird". The benefit of the internet is being able to align to and follow those who are on the same path or are even ahead of you. We're all walking in the same direction but some people have gone off-roading or are sidetracked and don't understand the view you are trying to explain to them from on top of the mountain miles ahead of where they're at. It sucks. It sucks because you want better for people and it sucks because you feel left out in the rain. It gets lonely. 

This is another reason to draw near to God -who knows you as a soul perfectly and is leading to greater truths and revelations for a reason. Draw from the spiritual family of Heaven when the one here on earth starts to wear thin. 

#Width + Depth 

The best metaphor I can come up with is a swimming pool. The cement for the pool has to be dug out wide. The pool is ultimately meant to mimic the ocean so the wider out it is the better. It's hard to swim in a straight, narrow channel. The pool is also desired to be deep. The deeper the better. More SPACE. 

And people are the same. When people come from a place of Love and being talkative, personable, and friendly they extend in Width. But in terms of understanding and intellect they can sometimes be bigoted or short-sited leading their love to only be extend to those immediately around them that they are connected to. It's not exactly a love for humanity as a whole. 

By the other token, when people come from a place of Peace, they can achieve great intellect, understanding, and clarity of thought/vision. But they can devolve into treating reality like a concept. One of the reasons I hate NPR and can't stand to listen to it and similar news stations is the Indifference in Tone. "12 people were killed today in a train accident..." They can rattle of reality as fact alone and there is no sense of peace, compassionate caring, or empathy being extended. It severs from soul in that way. 

There needs to be more width -do be "in the mud" of trying to connect to and love people in spite of their inevitable darknesses and short comings. A BALANCE between being love and understanding grace. That link between mind and soul. 

And so God will lead the quiet, muted, socially awkward kid to be a Leader of a group. And God will lead the loud-mouthed, gossipy, take-charge person to reflect alone and silently make artwork. These shifts are essential in the growing of a soul. Just as plants need water AND light and never just one or the other. 

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