Thursday, May 26, 2016

What's Coming in the Future

I've felt this for a while now but really grasped fully what was going on over this past week. To understand what will happen you have to understand the big picture of what has happened -what the Pattern is. So let me give examples first so you can see plainly what's going on Spiritually: 

#1 Pharaoh + Egypt v. Moses. A bunch of people are enslaved. Children are executed in mass during the time of Moses own birth. Religion is involved. Hell tries to enact it's final swing of pain knowing what's coming, giving it's all to maintain its control with darkness. A leader is then led by God to free an oppressed people. 

#2 Rome +  the Pharisees v. Christ. A bunch of people are enslaved. People in general are being executed in mass quantities. Religion is involved. Hell tries to enact its final swing of evil because it knows what is to come. Christ OVERCOMES. A leader frees an oppressed people and guides them out of darkness. 

#3 Bloody Mary v. Queen Elizabeth. A bunch of people are being executed in mass. One of the darkest reigns of a monarch in tyranny is being enacted. Religion is involved. Hell tries to enact a final swing of evil because it knows what is coming. Elizabeth establishes FREEDOM of religion and liberates an oppressed people from darkness. A Golden Age ensues. 

#4 Civil War v. Abraham Lincoln. A bunch of people are enslaved and brutalized. People are being executed and lynched regularly. Religion is involved. Hell tries to enact its final swing of evil because it knows what is coming. A leader frees and enslaved people and leads them out of oppression and darkness. 

#5 The Holocaust v. The Allies. A bunch of people -including children are being executed in mass genocide. One of the darkest moments in human history is being enacted. Religion is involved. Hell tries to enact its final swing because it knows what is coming. Multiple Leaders from various countries come together and overcome the darkness, guiding people to liberation from oppression. 

What follows:

- The RISE of technology, easier access for understanding and information to pass globally, Enlightenment. 
-Women's Suffrage and Women's Rights Movement
-Hispanic Rights Movement
-Civil Rights (African American) Movement
-Gay Rights Movement
-Liberation of India from Imperialist Britain 

And so we come to today:

#6 Isis and Boko Haram v. ??? A bunch of people -mostly women and children -are enslaved. Many people including children are being executed in mass. Religion is involved. Hell tries to enact its final swing because it knows what is coming. ??? comes and leads people out of the darkness of oppression to liberation. God wins again. 

I sense something big coming in the next couple of months. FINALLY. And with this comes a new shift in Movements GLOBALLY. Not just in one country because MANY countries are united now. It will be BIG. 

God NEVER abandons anyone. It just takes time for God to come through. But He DOES come through. And everything changes afterwards. 

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