Thursday, January 9, 2014

DBV 1-9-14

"On the Sabbath we went outside the city gate to the river, where we expected to find a place of prayer. We sat down and began to speak to the women who had gathered there." – Acts 16:13 (NIV)

Thoughts: This quote focuses on seeking out and going to a location for prayer. It's an interesting notion because these days people will drive out of their way to see movies, visit with friends, and watch concerts -but not many will go to a scared, specific place to sit down and connect to God in prayer. It's also strange that the people in this quote went to pray TOGETHER. These days emphasis is on silent prayer made alone. Nobody would go to pray as a group. People might go to church to pray as a group out of commonplace expectation -but no one consciously goes out with a small group of dedicated worshipers to pray together (unless they're in a cult). 

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