Friday, December 20, 2013


My friend Jos is very ambitious and has a lot of projects going on. Right now it's a pretty big goal of hers to be wealthy, so she asked me what birthstone was associated with wealth carry it around. I looked on my birthstone chart I compiled and found some surprising coincidences...

 It was the birthstone for those born in July, the Ruby. Guess who's birthday is on July 13th? My friend Jos!
her birthstone is one of the only ones associated with wealth. (It's also associated with wisdom and love).

In another weird twist of coincidence, the month I blogged about the birthstones was also July. 

Then yesterday I met with Jos and she said she was looking into using a hotel space we had attempted to host an event at before. The hotel had charged for everything it could possibly think of and wasn't accommodating so bridges were burned and we didn't use the space. Then last week a new person was hired at the hotel and she called Jos and asked what kind of space she was looking for. We've been trying to find a free venue, so this new woman said we could use 2 of the smaller rooms to host meetings at FOR FREE and she can set us up with bigger rooms for events. The woman's name is RUBY.

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