Monday, December 30, 2013

Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and New Year

I'm a calm, easy-going, rational person. I've had on-and-off, ghost-related experiences now for most of my life but especially the past 5 years or so. Lately it's been getting a little too frequent.

It seemed like from 2011-2012 not much happened in the ghost department (at least not very frequently). Then it was monthly. Now it's daily.

I went to my mom's house with my sister the Saturday before Christmas (which was on Wednesday). Saturday night sucked. I remember feeling a presence in my room and being surprised because nothing had happened at mom's for a while. I remember it felt like someone was sitting on the edge of my bed -just like old times. So as usual, I got up, went to the bathroom, then came back to bed. 10 minutes later the presence came back again. It sucks having a dog in the house that can drive the ghost away, but the dog decides to sleep in another room completely oblivious to what's happening.

Then I experienced nothing until either Monday or Tuesday night. Whatever happened must have escalated to something more than the usual experience because I actually got up and went into my sister's room at one point. My sister's room was dark and cold. She used to have a night-light and I thought she was really stupid for not having one at that moment -especially since she told me she had felt a presence in her room on Sunday night. So I woke her up and told her things were getting kind of intense in my room so I was going to chill in hers for a little while.

She asked what had happened and I do remember that at one point I heard papers shuffling on the computer desk next to my bed as well as feeling a presence in the room. So I stayed in her room for 15 minutes and then got too cold and went back to my room after I heard the dog wandering around.

We then came home on Wednesday to have the rest of Christmas with my dad. On Wednesday night at some point I remember feeling a presence in my room at my apartment and being freaked out by it enough to actually get up at 3am, go into the living room, turn on my laptop, and surf the internet until around 5pm (which is kind of what I'm doing now).

I went back to my dad's house to hangout with my sister ad told her this stuff and at some point decided I should spend the night. I spent Thursday and Friday night at my dad's house in the downstairs den on the couch in hopes of evading ghosts and getting some sleep. That backfired. My sister actually thought it was kind of a stupid idea because she experiences ghost stuff at dad's house so it's like jumping from one sinking ship to another.

True story. I tried going to sleep on the couch in the den and ended up falling asleep around 1 or 2am because it's really hard to fall asleep with the presence of someone standing beside you while you're lying in bed. So with some crappy days of sleep under my belt I decided to go back to my apartment and try to sleep yesterday night (Saturday). Things actually went pretty well. I did feel the presence when I initially tried to fall asleep, but I was hopped up on an energy rush brought on by hot coco so I really didn't give a damn about ghosts or anything and wrote off everything I heard and felt.

Then at 5am sh*t got real again. Lately things have been happening at 3 times during the night:

1. When I try to fall asleep
2. Sometime around 3am
3. Sometime around 5 or 6am

It sucks. The things I've been experiencing at my apartment when things get "intense" are kind of hard to explain. It' not like I ever SEE anything. I'm paranoid that I will, but I never do. Instead I end up feeling and pseudo-seeing things. It goes occurs in this order:

1. Feel a presence in the room. Heart rate increases and my ears start to ring.

2. A "shadow" falls over the space in front of me. I'm not looking around the room -it's just the pillow in front of me as I lay on my side, but it gets darker like what light there is in the room goes down. It's not the shadow of a person or a silhouette of anything -it's just a darkening of the space around.

3. I feel a "heaviness" come over me. It's not like someone sitting on top of you pushing you down. It's like a heaviness and a subtle pressure that descends on you. Heart rate increases and I'm fully awake and alert. It's weird in this state because sometimes I'm actually pretty calm during it, but I'm still present to and afraid of it.

4. I hear noises in the room. Some I can write off. The ceiling makes a light "crack" sound and I say it's because it's winter and it's cold and the apartment is creaky. Then there's another "crack" on the wall I write off. Then there are other similar sounds I tell myself the neighbors are making and it's coming from their apartments -not mine. Then there's a sound of the floor shifting as if someone is standing or taking a step forward just outside my doorway. I can't write that one off. So I give up, get up, and turn on the laptop.

It just gets to be a bit much after a while. My sister says there are 3 ghosts she encounters at dads. I have NO idea how she knows or thins there are 3. How the hell could you distinguish between one experience and another and assign blame to 3 separate ghosts instead of just one? Then I think, Maybe I'd just prefer there to be one instead of believing there's an entourage of ghosts everywhere I freaking go.

I want help. I want this sh*t to end. Not sure how to do it though. You can't exactly call the Ghost Hunters in. I never SEE anything and barely HEAR anything. They can't catch crap on audio or their tech equipment. Then because they'd inevitably experience nothing during an investigation they'd say this place wasn't haunted. So it'd kind of be a waste of time to go that route.

Then there's a religious/spiritual route you can take and get some people to either bless the apartment or come and "clear the space". But is the place haunted or are ghosts just clinging to me? At some point -especially given the years this has accumulated -I have to find out how to get rid of these things for myself. I think I want to find a psychic who can tell me who the ghost or ghosts are and then show me how to get rid of them. That's what I want. Now I just need to find a legitimate psychic nearby...

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