Thursday, July 18, 2013

Religion and God

A thought occurred to me this morning: Why is there an Old Testament and a New Testament? Isn't there really just ONE Testament -and it's the testament of God?

It seems like the beginning of the Bible, and man's history, was one of a Father becoming a new parent watching his children run around coloring on walls, misbehaving, stumbling, and getting into trouble. Then later, when His kids were old enough, He gave them some basic rules to follow. The 10 Commandments and subsequent "laws" were the moment in human history when man was told to eat his vegetables and do his homework. No explanation was given as to why he couldn't eat cookies from the cookie jar, man was just asked to follow the rules. 

Then came man's time for independence and young adulthood. At last God had a heart-to-heart conversation with His children letting them know why He wanted them to follow certain rules -also acknowledging they would learn this lesson on their own in their own lives in time. They were finally old enough to be told the whole story and have life explained to them fully so they could then carry on in their lives and walk down whatever path they then consciously chose for themselves. 

At no point during this time did "Judaism" exist. It was just God and God's people. At no point during this time did "Christianity" exist. It was always God and God's people. He always knew who they were and they were always connected to Him. 

Time is never that linear. It never ends or begins. You can't stop or pinpoint moments in time and say there was a "Before" and an "After". There is just reality. It all just exists. 

As for religion now, most people feel lost and confused. I keep hearing this phrase from people, "Love is my religion". Meaning they sort of believe in God but do not want to pigeon-hole themselves under the umbrella of one religious institution over another. Spirituality, faith in the soul, is then a safe respite most people resign themselves to. 

Unfortunately they then miss the lessons and insights God gave to His people. They wander more blindly -being led only by their souls, which can be fluidly intuitive and easily misguided. Follow Truth, because Love and God are truths. Love -depending on which kind you follow -can lead you astray if God and Truth are not involved. 

The soul is like a person wandering alone in unfamiliar woodlands. Without God, you will not be guided out and will spend your life trying to find your way but never fully reaching it.

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