Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Things Learned at Toastmasters Today

Things to do each day:

1) Compliment yourself/your appearance in the mirror as if you were talking to a friend with low self-esteem. AKA -be encouraging and don't barade yourself with criticism.

2) Embrace each day as if you were just born and the day before you did not exist.

3) Find one thing from your past that you felt was awesome/fun.amazing.

4) Find one thing from this week that you think was awesome/fun/amazing.

5) Be vibrant, bold, uninhibited, and passionate.

6) You look great outside if you feel great inside.

Advice on Love:

1) It goes together like a horse than carriage, in that sometimes you are the one carrying the load and dragging the relationship ahead and sometimes you're the one holding back being the "load" that gets carried.

2) Is love a choice or a feeling? Either way it can be hard and painful.

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