Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Live In Peace

Last night I had a dream that I died. I went to heaven and was led into a small golden room with three “women” standing before me. I could not make out their faces, but the one who spoke to me had the voice of a soft, patient female. She said she would ask me one question (which would determine if I belonged in heaven and could remain there). 

“What was it that you found on earth that instilled peace in you during your time there?”
The first thing I thought was, Music. But then I thought it was stupid to talk about something so “trivial”. But with nothing better to say and the risk of seeming like I knew nothing I used it as a starting point for the conversation anyway. 

“Music has helped me connect with my feelings which can be buried and forgotten when most people are trying to hide them. Music let me let go of things I was dealing with internally and open up more as a person. 

Buddhism also helped me find peace by introducing me to the concept of “letting go”. Christ of course has also brought me peace –just in the knowing that He is always there.”
I felt like I had given all I could. But it still wasn’t enough. I was grasping at straws looking for the answer in my mind. Then it came to me. 

“But if I’d never read about Buddha. Or I’d never learned of Christ. Or I’d never heard a note of music, the one thing that would still bring me peace throughout it all from the beginning is Faith. I’ve always had faith. I’ve always known things would be alright. I never had any reason to suspect it, but I’ve always had it. The way an infant doesn’t know that it will be fed another meal. Or that it will be placed somewhere warm and safe to sleep at night. But it knows it will. It knows when it’s taken care of. It doesn’t need to worry. Like the burden of fear and doubt is removed from off its shoulders. Faith has brought me peace. It has lifted the burden of worry from my soul.” 

I have a friend named Jos. Jos is planning her first event (2 Day event to promote women entrepreneurs in business). For 6 months I helped her concrete ideas and stay organized. Initially her doubts and fears didn’t bother me because I had enough faith to know the event would work out just fine. That’s the beauty of faith. But this past month my patience has worn thin. She worries from topic to topic, aspect to aspect with no breathes in between. I can’t assure her. 

So I dragged in my sister. Now she can assure Jos –a 21 year old assuring a 30 something year old that all will be well. You can’t live faith for someone else. Peace is something you live with –not something you die with. It’s not a mole that grows on your body and dies when it does –it’s in your soul. You carry peace within you. 

So when the event comes and the 2 days run as smoothly as they will with only a few hick-ups as they inevitably will and her goal that she has striven to achieve for the past 8 months is realized –will she even give herself a moment to enjoy it before she starts worrying about how to follow-up after the event and make sure everyone stays in touch and starts planning for the next promotional event and booking the hotel and getting everyone involved… 

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