Monday, December 3, 2012

Arguing Against Atheism

“An Atheist believes that a hospital should be built instead of a church. An atheist believes that deed must be done instead of prayer said. An atheist strives for involvement in life and not escape into death. He wants disease conquered, poverty vanished, war eliminated.”

~ Madalyn Murray O'Hair (an American social Activist, atheist (opposed prayer in school), 1919-1995)

I feel like arguing with this. My soul is not pleased with her vindictive tone towards those who believe in God. And then I wondered, How do you make God seem relevant to someone who doesn’t believe in Him? And then my brain told me, Well stupid just find the ways He’s added to your life and argue why you can’t do without Him.

“An atheist will build a hospital instead of a church”. Yes. Hospitals are practical. They are needed. In fact there are many Christian hospitals like St. Jude’s for example. Where do “hospitals” come from anyway? Where were they founded? It seems that the notion of taking in the dying, the weak, the ill is a heavily founded in Christianity. For example in Rome before “God” was introduced babies who were either female or showed any birth defects were immediately killed. The weak and the destitute were cast aside. The concept of the “Good Samaritan” was in fact founded by Christ’s teachings. One could invariably argue that although man has found herbal remedies and treatments through medicine; most people only sought to heal or care for their own wounds -not the wounds of others. At least not until that concept was introduced and championed. 

“An atheist believes that deed must be done instead of prayer said.” The Bible does emphasize the importance of prayer-seeking refuge in God. But this is so no man can go around saying he is better than others because he has done more in life. God appreciates both the meek and the strong. A child who prays to God is therefore as loved as a fireman who saves lives. A person who is handicapped or in a coma is just as loved as a man who goes around giving the homeless shoes. The world may not respect or appreciate them equally because the world is often self-serving and often only cares about people who can give it something tangible. Anne Frank may not have done much, but what she SAID means a lot to people even today. Deeds can be as fleeting and temporary as our lives –but visions and grace and faith are things anyone can carry within themselves. 

“An atheist strives for involvement in life and not escape into death.This is clearly a person who has no concept of what Christianity entails. They are ignorant of a religion they seek to mock. Christianity argues to live life to its fullest you should follow God who will lead you to your highest purpose. “Do not be afraid” is a phrase written throughout the Bible more than any other because what God often asks of man, he doesn’t usually have enough faith in himself to believe he can do. Without God’s encouragement many men wouldn’t DO anything beyond what they assumed themselves capable of. This is why Faith often leads men to do greater things in life and engage in life more than they would have otherwise. The goal is also not to “escape death”. In fact many view it to be the opposite.  Death = Heaven and Peace. Death is therefore not something to be feared or avoided when you have faith in God and your own soul. Life is to be fulfilled and death is to be the reward. 

“He wants disease conquered, poverty vanished, war eliminated.” Martin Luther King Jr., Abraham Lincoln, Christ, Mother Teresa… how many atheists have done as much as those who openly proclaimed themselves to be led by God? God doesn’t want man to suffer –why would anyone who believes in or follows God? And those who do suffer and those who don’t can equally find peace within themselves and their own God-given soul if they seek it. Everyone can find peace regardless of their circumstances. What atheist can guarantee everyone peace if they are only considerate towards the destitute and not also the wealthy-who are often more lost and alone than those who have to rely on their own soul and faith in God for strength to overcome struggles?

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