Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Picture of Manhood –Sermon by Tim Lundy 6-17-12 Snapshots Series (Part 3)

(It was Father’s Day. Tim announced that Chip’s daughter was getting married that day)

Introduction: A Current Picture of Manhood

1.      The Foundation of Manhood

o   Genesis 1:27-30
Notes: Woman and Man  = Image of God. Raise children, tend earth, rule earth.
o   Genesis 2:15-25
Notes: Work Garden and take care of it. Will to obey –follow God. Not good for man to be alone. God made woman to love man and man to love woman.
o   Genesis 3:1-30
Notes: Satan goes to Eve first. Satan implants doubt –question’s God. Satan says, “Do your own thing –ignore God.” Woman desired fruit –Adam was with her, but was passive. Felt shame and hid from God. Man blames woman and God for making woman. Woman blames serpent. Because Adam chose to follow Eve over God’s command, life was made harder for Adam. Damaging picture of manhood can ruin others.

2.      The Definition of Manhood

o   Dr. Robert Lewis (Pastor who leads Fraternity): “A real man is one who:
o   Rejects Passivity
o   Accepts Responsibility
o   Leads Courageously
o   Expects the greater rewards –God’s rewards.”
3.      Rejects Passivity

o   Doesn’t avoid family and leading the household
o   Initiates things in relationships
o   Communicates openly
Notes: Passivity = a Conscious Choice to do nothing. It means avoiding sensitivity, vulnerability, risk, troubles in life, being active, and being emotionally connected. Like a turtle that lives in its shell. You don’t have to be perfect –but you do have to try. In our current culture with dating habits –women are in control and men just let women lead in the relationship.

4.      Accepts Responsibility

o   Don’t Blame
o   Provide Security
o   Don’t Project Stress onto Others
Notes: Fine is never fine”. Do things you might not want to do for the greater good of the people you love. Share your struggles and your pains with people –but don’t take it out on them. Family loses faith in man when he doesn’t provide. Provide a space for wife to answer her calling without trying to blame her for not answering yours. Jupiter –who was the king of the gods in ancient times, is a planet whose gravity protects our solar system from meteors and junk that could destroy our planet. Be the guardian of the people you love.

5.      Leads Courageously

o   Spiritual Leader
Notes: Not a spiritual scholar or theologian. Able to read Bible, pray with wife, be with God, and lead as an example.
o   Servant Leader
Notes: Loves others more than self. Doesn’t abuse power like a dictator. Not using power to raise self above others.

6.      Expects the Greater Reward –God’s Reward

o   Cast Vision
Notes: If there is no vision, people die. People need plans, goals, direction, hope, and faith.
o   Live by Faith
Notes: Don’t settle for the world. Aspire to achieve greater things. Lead the path of God.
o   For Sons: Raising a Modern Day Knight by Dr. Robert Lewis
o   For men of all ages: Stepping Up: A Call to Courageous Manhood by Dennis Rainey

Discussion Questions

1.      What stood out to you in the message today the most? Why?

Ummmm… I definitely don’t envy men. They have a lot of stuff on their plate. It’s definitely easier being a woman. It is frustrating feeling pressure to be “a man” or be “strong as a man” as a woman these days. We’re expected to be dragon slayers and save the day. I thought women wanted to be equal with men –not become men themselves. 

2.      As you review Genesis 1-3, how does this story help you see the foundational roles, responsibilities, and struggles of men and women? 

Throughout the centuries a lot of blame has fallen on Eve for taking the apple. But Adam was equally guilty for not standing up for what was right and just going along with it passively. I guess here is the proof people need with regard to whether those who commit crimes are equally guilty as those who do nothing to stop a crime. It was a actually a big debate during the years after the Holocaust when men were tried for “participating” in genocide –but many just said they “didn’t know” or they were just “doing their job”. Turning a blind eye.

3.      If you are a man, which of the 4 statements of manhood are you doing well? Which do you need to improve? What will you do to put it into action?

I have a lot of Yang in me so… kind of have guy tendencies. Since only 25% of people tend to have built-in leadership ability –I’d say being a leader of any sort would be the most challenging out of the 4.

4.      How can the women in a man’s life help him live out what it means to be a real man?

If I were a leader –I’d need a lot of support from those around me to help carry out my mission. Leaders don’t make it without support –especially without the support of those they are close to. Women should realize the tasks a man has on his plate and help encourage and support him to fulfill his goals. Not putting a guy down or demanding so much of him.

5.      How can we encourage the men in our lives to live out their lives as “real men?”

I think you have to give people the space to be themselves and come into their own. Clear a space for a man to step up as a leader and if he doesn’t see that potential in himself tell him what you see. Give men the vision to lead.

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