Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Overcoming Shattered Dreams –Sermon by Tim Lundy April 29, 2012 (Unstuck Part 3)

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INTRODUCTION… I dreamed a dream
·        We all dream dreams and experience the pain of shattered dreams.
o   Leaving behind of childhood dreams
o   Sudden break of attempted dreams
o   Slow cracks of unrealized dreams
·        If the pain of shattered dreams is not addressed it impacts the way we see all of life.
·        Are dreams are rooted in the core longings of who we are. (Genesis 1-2)
o   Not good to be alone –The longing to love and be loved in relationship
o   Fill the earth –Longing for posterity and legacy
o   Rule the earth –Longing to have influence and make an impact
·        The dream of humanity was shattered with the Fall/ Sin –leading to shattered dreams for all of us
Tim Lundy: Many things kill dreams in our lives. We’re told to grow up and we forget about the amazing dreams we have for ourselves as kids before we begin to doubt and fear our future. Idealism tends to fade with age which is why so many kids are optimistic and so many adults have such a bleak outlook on life. People ground out dreams in place with reality and what’s in front of them. They are told reality trumps potential future reality or goals they claim are out of reach.
More than just ourselves and others telling us not to dream, there are events that happen in our lives that shatter and break the dreams we have: getting fired, divorce, abused, denied, betrayed, getting diagnosed with a disease, loss of loved ones… at the end of the day we find ourselves believing, “Life has killed the dream I dreamed”.
*Vincent Van Gogh Example* 
If you look at the life and works of Vincent Van Gogh you know he wasn’t exactly having an easy life. In his artworks he would often use the color yellow –which he used to represent God and “the light”. If you look at starry night you can see a town under a sky of bright stars. The town itself is dimly lit with only small windows of light able to be seen. In the center of the town is a church that has no lights on and is completely dark. Vincent was saying God’s glory isn’t really found on earth or in people’s lives and is certainly not in the church. God is in the sky –He is far above beyond our reach. The overall tone of the piece is forlorn and dismal.   
 If you look at later works by Vincent –such as his painting of Lazarus –he finally started using yellow in great hues towards the end of his life. Vincent placed his face in the face of Lazarus in the painting to show that he too could resurrect his life from misery and could overcome his own shattered dreams.
The fact is –We are God’s dream. He sought to have a relationship with us and genuine love with us. We are His creations  -His dreams brought to life. And what we want is to have that love, make a mark on the earth to know our lives amounted to something, and leave something behind for future generations to remember us by.
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·        Background (vv15-16)
o   “For this reason” -summarizes all that He has done for us and in us
o   Paul’s prayers –because they are not finished yet
·        To know Jesus in a growing, experiential relationship.
·        The core longings of your heart/soul are only ultimately fulfilled in Him.
·        The pain of shattered dreams can bring you closer or cause you to pull back from God.
·        The key to growing in that love relationship is by “knowing” Him more.
·        To know at the heart level the Hope of His calling. (v 18a)
o   We must have hope –hope is the oxygen of the soul.
o   The hope is based on the surety of what God has done and will do.
o   The key is to release the hopes of my desires for the hope of His calling.
Tim Lundy: God did not give up on the dream – He redeemed it. God can also help us achieve our dreams. In Ephesians, Paul was reminding Christ’s followers of the fact that they were Chosen. Paul was praying for them in thanks for their devotion and sharing his gratitude for people. He was also praying for the hope of continued growth in the church and the followers of Jesus.
To know God and receive His love you must receive wisdom from Him through Jesus. You need to acknowledge that God will be the source of your dreams redeemed. You need to “know” God –not just know of Him or show up at church and occasionally read the Bible or sometimes think about Him –you need to have God in your life. You need to give Him love, receive love from Him, and follow the life He leads you to.
Relationships take time and sacrifice. Studies show that for the first 2 years of a relationship a couple will be in a state of “euphoria” or idyllic feelings. After that time the nostalgia fades and you’re left with the actual relationship. That’s why people who have been married for a while aren’t as clinging and openly affectionate as young couples are.  People mistake euphoria for love and when it ends they assume the love is gone and they end the relationship and move on to the next. There’s no longevity, growth, or devotion to that kind of relationship. Real relationships require work and commitment. It’s a deeper kind of love that isn’t as easily frayed.
God wants a relationship of depth and longevity. He also wants us to achieve our dreams. There is a difference between the dreams we have for ourselves and God’s dream for us. God has had a plan for each person since birth. When people ignore that plan and refuse to follow it in pursuit of their own desires those people tend to get lost. They lose sight of what truly means something to them and their lives are not fulfilled. Trust in God –He knows you better than you do. He wants to give people the things that they want, but is more concerned about getting people the things that they need.
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·        Know at a heart level the treasure we are to Him, (v 18b)
·        As His children we are the very riches of God.
“Paul prays here that his readers will appreciate the value which God places on them, His plan to accomplish His eternal purpose through them…and that they may accept in grateful humility the grace and glory thus lavished on them,” –F.F. Bruce, the Epistle to the Colossians, to Philemon, and to the Ephesians, p.227
·        The key is to quite trying to prove your worth and find the value in Him.
·        To know at a heart level the incomparable power of God for us. (vv 19-23)
·        God redeemed the shattered dream of humanity through Resurrection.
·        God reveals that dream through His church.
·        The ley is to trust that His power is working for you and through you.
Tim Lundy: We dream of riches, but we are God’s riches. Imagine going to heaven and seeing streets paved in gold and walls made of every precious stone imaginable and God takes you aside and says, “I want to show you my vault where I keep my treasure”. You can’t even begin to imagine what kind of treasure He would have in that vault. He pulls the vault door back and you go in and suddenly you see thousands and thousands of photographs. God pulls one off the wall and shows it to you and says, “This is my treasure. These are my children.” And in and among all of the millions of photographs you look down and see your picture.
Why do we go out of our way to be the strongest, richest, most powerful, most beautiful, most exciting people on the planet? Why do we go out of our way to try and impress everyone? Why do we chase things that lead us nowhere? You have nothing to prove to God –He knows you. You don’t have to go out of your way to impress people; they might not love you even if you do. You don’t need to impress God, He will always love you.  If you really want to test how much a person loves you, don’t try to impress them –try to disappoint them. How many would still be by your side if you failed, made mistakes, and lived openly flawed? Men would desert you, but God would never waiver.
God isn’t holding you back from your dream –you are holding yourself back from God. Trust in Him. He wants the best for you. His dreams for us are bigger and more perfect than any we could possibly imagine.
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Discussion Questions
1.     What are your shattered dreams? Have you ever dealt with the pain of your shattered dreams? Do you believe Christ can transform your pain?
A shattered dream is a boy dreaming of being a famous baseball player, but gets hit by a car and becomes paralyzed for life. I’ve never experienced a shattered dream of that nature. I’m a dreamer so dreams are my almost constant state of being. I imagine myself in many situations and have found out by mulling life over in my thoughts what it is I want out of life. When I was younger I wanted to be strong, wealthy, and capable of fighting for people. I kind of wanted to be a super hero. Then as I got older my dreams changed and I started to imagine myself in realms that were actually achievable. I think I originally imagined myself as I could never be because I thought any dream I could have for myself could never really be achieved. In my 20s my dreams changed and became much more vivid and true to life. It was around that time that I handed my life over to God. I decided that “being an artist” wasn’t really working out and my dreams were half-baked and going nowhere. I decided that whatever God would do with my life would ultimately amount to more than anything I would be able to achieve on my own. My life was a waste so I gave what I thought was a useless mop to someone I thought could use it to clean.
Then I was led. Found out about the Zodiacs –which definitely helped me figure out my life purpose. Got Zoloft to overcome my Social Anxiety Disorder –which helped me gain self-confidence and a greater sense of self. Was led to Toastmasters and consequently my minister friend who introduced me to Christianity. I always felt looked after and taken care of so I never had to worry or question the fact I was being led. Everything just kind of seemed Meant-to-be. Ultimately my life is in God’s hands. It’s nice. I don’t have to worry as much because I know everything that happens has its reason and as long as I continue to listen to intuition and being open to life I know I’ll be fine.
2.     In what ways are you growing in experiential relationship with Christ? Do you know Him more today? Do you spend time with Him, read His words, and listen to Him? God has definitely become a lot clearer and more vivid to me. I understand who he is more and continue to learn more and more about Him and how someone can connect to Him. It’s all a journey to Him.
3.     In what ways are you placing hope in your desires more than His calling? What is God calling you to do right now in life? Do you trust that His calling is a better plan than even your own dreams?
I wouldn’t say I place more hope in my desires than His calling because the dreams I have for myself don’t mean anything if they’re not attainable or fulfilling. Again I’m just trying to be led where He wants me to go to do what He wants me to do. I trust He knows best. Right now feels like I’m supposed to be accumulating. I think I’m slowly being led to action, but for now it’s important for me to KNOW more than DO.
4.     Do you believe that God looks at you as His riches? What would change if you found your value in Him? I think people would value themselves more if they realized how valuable they really were in God’s eyes. I believe every person is God’s jewel.
5.     Do you know God’s incomparable power is available for you today? How do you need His resurrection power in your life today? Ask Him to redeem your shattered dreams and to reveal His perfect love in and through you. Sometimes these “questions” get a little out there and it’s hard to respond to them. Ethereal is one thing, but this is… a little too out there.

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