Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Spiritualist and the Psychic Part 2 (2/10/12)

Sheila’s Theories

“Sheila”, as I’ve decided to call her, is psychic and has many interesting views on what occurs on the spiritual realm and this one.

Sheila believes in past lives and reincarnation. She also believes in heaven and God. She believes souls travel to these two spaces.

Basically when a person dies, they linger –sometimes for years or centuries, but usually only until they “see the light” and “cross over”. Then Sheila believes, with the exception of a few cases, most people go strait to “heaven”. She believes this place to be a place of peace, calm, and a gathering place for souls to reconnect with loved ones. In this place, people remember past lives and reassess how much more and in what ways they need to develop further as souls.

Then they “sign a contract” spiritually with God and map out how they will lead there next life as well as what challenges they will be given in it to overcome. They choose what lessons they will learn and also sometimes who they will share them with. We are essentially thrown together with the same group of people that we are familiar with and like to be around. This is how you can come across somebody you just met and it feels like you’ve known each other for years.

Sheila says that we choose to learn at least 3 major lessons in life and ultimately choose to give 1 major contributing effort to the world or “God’s Vision”. We use our strengths and our “purpose” to fulfill this goal either at some major point in our life or throughout it. We also decide how fast we want to accomplish our goals and how long we want to live on the earth.

She also says we have 5 Exit Points.
At some point in our lives we have a limit of what cats would call our “9 lives”. We have 5 chances to opt-out of life. During each near death experience and we either choose to stay or choose to cross-over. (I tried thinking of mine: almost drowned at the beach and in a pool, almost burned by fire, and the car accident last September. Technically I was saved by people on 2 of those incidents.

Anyway, Sheila says we will “Perfect our Destiny”. As you progress Spiritually your struggles and pain become greater. Loss and Sacrifice are the ultimate stages of learning. Those who have not lived or learned from many lives (young souls) will not take on much pain or responsibility. The ultimate goal in life is to progress spiritually. Those who have passed leave signs and messages to help us so we know they are there.

More things Nancy and I have in common: She feared death at a young age. When she was a teenager, she felt alone and depressed. She feared death because she thought it would be Nothingness. She thought she would be in a state of isolation alone forever.

As far as her paranormal experiences, she has felt cold and warm spots. Her husband also said he “felt the presence” of her mom and actually saw her mom sitting with Nancy once. Nancy has had telepathic conversations with her mom before. Both she and her husband also sensed when her mother had officially crossed over. He said that the house felt empty, like she had left and moved on. Nancy says her mom hasn’t come to her in years.

Sheila says that in order to gain greater spirituality and connection to God you should: At night before bed ask the white light of Holy Spirit to surround you. Ask for angels to be with you. “Begin to visualize a dark velvet sky, and feel the peace of this softness enveloping you. All of a sudden you see a pinpoint of light coming toward you. Then ask for your loved ones to come toward you in that light. Don’t even think or use the word imagination. It is the one word that has ruined psychic ability and visions, and has even inhibited getting closer to God. Your loved ones may first appear in silhouette, but eventually you will see them.

-I would advise against this. It is hard to discern “vision” from “imagination” and it’s best not to allow yourself to blur those lines. You need it to be clear and distinct. If you imagine and believe strongly enough something will appear before you, you’ll probably hallucinate and actually end up “seeing something”. Basically Sheila’s exercise is pointless. Nice try though.

Nancy suggests asking people for help and asking God for spiritual strength and direction. Much better. She also says loved ones on the other side will make their presence known to you in their own way –through scents, “presence”, song, thoughts, or situations to exact to be coincidence.
–When my step-dad’s father died, he was sitting in his garage working on some tools feeling really guilty and angry at himself for not being there when his father passed away. He was emotionally beating himself up when all of the sudden the radio turned on out of nowhere. It just flicked on by itself and started playing a song. He started crying. It was like someone had interrupted his thoughts so he would stop hurting himself with them.

Shelia says that when souls linger it means linger on earth it means they haven’t “made it through the tunnel to vibrate at a higher frequency”. Many religions-especially in the east- place emphasis on the concept of vibration. Sheila says that the earth vibrates at its own rate, but on the Other Side things vibrate at a higher rate of speed. If a soul sticks around the earth too long it runs the risk of becoming Earthbound and it would then be harder for it to move onto the Other Side. “If spirits come around too often they become Earthbound and don’t transition.” Even though it might be a loved one, it’s not fair to have them remain here after they die. You should direct them to move on. Otherwise they can never get closure because their connection to this life continues with no possibility for spiritual growth.

Sheila also addresses the notion people sometimes get that God is “punishing” them. When people die it is not God’s way of purposely making people suffer. People are just done wit this round of life and will move on to heaven. God is not vengeful or spiteful. Sheila also says reincarnation is just a part of the system and a way for souls to come back and progress further as souls. The further you advance as a soul the more joy you are capable of receiving in heaven. Your soul expands in pain and loss, as well as in knowledge and love. You need to resonate with the truth. Love is forever, grief is transient.

She also says the way souls count time on the Other Side is different. Here we are restricted by time, but there, there is no time boundary. 100 years to us is a couple of days to them. And as far as spouses go, “No one can fool the soul. The soul knows who the kindred souls are and who the one soul mate is, so there is no jealousy, or envy, or disharmony.” She says people also debate and discuss things on the other side, but never argue or judge. She says through life the soul will grow in true pride, not false pride and it will go on being reborn until it no longer needs to.

As far as punishment for wrongs done goes: Hell does not exist for humans. Physical suffering is the greatest pain and torment a soul can ever be put through. Trapped in a physical prison it cannot be removed from that is subject to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual assaults and diseases. Life is Hell for those who deserve to be punished for wrongs done. Sheila says a person who commits suicide out of spite for instance with instantly be reborn. No pit stop to heaven or lingering, it just gets shoved back into the system to start over again. You cannot abort this life of your own will. You can not harm or end the lives of others without getting the spiritual repercussion of being reborn into a new, excruciating life.  

We have come to earth to overcome pain and achieve a state of “bliss”. Every soul, unless it is empty and dark, grows from loss and finds its way to love. Sheila also acknowledges that as souls grow older they start to hate life more. They resent money, work, distractions, stress, pain, responsibilities… and feel more and more “Homesick” for God and heaven. She says it will be hard for those people to live their lives wanting death and it is better that they experience life and focus on fulfilling their purpose.

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