Saturday, August 13, 2011

Zodiac 1 Qualities, Movies, Vulnerability-Problem-Need, Pisces

ZodiacFacts and Xstrology on Twitter were kind enough to donate these "Zodiac Tendencies" as I call them:

The #Sagittarius,sign loves to debate and if you are not careful,you can end up in an argument that lasts for several hours with him or her. (K is a Sagittarius. Got into a debate over the whole Death Penality thing. K was for the death penalty and undercut my argument against it and wouldn't listen to me. Like arguing with a brick wall only less productive).

Pisces likes to hide their feelings. (True. We have difficulies expressing feelings because they run so deep and we don't want to get hurt by others)
Aquarius are very dependable and honest.
Capricorn dominates (They can be bossy -but it's more like they're natural managers)
Sagittarius are honest (to a fault -that fault being hurting your feelings by not taking them into consideration)
A Scorpio loved is faithful to the end. A Scorpio wronged will have vengeance.
Libra's have elegance, charm and good taste. (Lots of Charm. Like Charmander of the Zodiacs)
Virgo is big on loyalty. They'll do whatever it takes to keep you from cheating.
Leo is a natural born leader
Cancer females are very alluring. If you are lucky enough to catch a crab. You'll be hooked. There is a reason why 69 is the sign.
Gemini need fun, witty dates and action packed nights. Dont be a lamer around your Gemini!
If you are a Taurus, you have a great deal of passion and loyalty. (I know one. Sweet and compassionate)
People find Aries females amazing.

Water signs Cancer,Scorpio,and Pisces are among the most committed because their affections for others run true and deep. (Reprezent Yo)

Leos,tend to dramatize, but they are very deeply passionate when expressing emotion. (Yup that's Albert Artist)
The Aquarius sign,loves to laugh and they love any movie that has a bit of a humane or humorous streak to it. (Saah Palin = Aquarius)
Movies that have the touch of mysticism and high production values is something Capricorns really do enjoy watching. (Sarah likes movies like Precious and Sister Act)
A Sagittarius,likes a good psychological thriller that is not too violent and a bit witty. (K also likes watching crime dramas and CNN)
The Scorpio sign is well known for liking anything to do with the occult. Horror movies appeal to this sign more than any other sign
A Libra loves a good thriller movie, especially if it is a bit corny. I know 3 libras. 2 are reaqlly into Sci-Fi and the other is into Clint Eastwood or Bruce Willis blowing things up)
Prim and proper Virgos love staid romantic comedies with little violence. (Maggie likes Titanic and Lost)
Leos loves films about war and the film. A Leo will walk right out of movies that do not feature great actors, violence and a bit of sex.
Cancer enjoys light-hearted romantic movies. (I know one who listed The Notebook as his favorite movie. /i think 50 First Dates was also mentioned)
The Gemini likes a good mystery and movies about fake identities and double indemnities.
A Taurus,like movies that are slightly sentimental and show the hero saving the day at the last minute.
Aries,like fast-paced films that are exciting and contemporary and yet have a link to the past. (Alex likes Iron Man and Batman and other super hero movies)
Pisces Greatest vulnerability: Unwillingness to face reality (Reality sucks)
Pisces Greatest problem: Lack of self-confidence
Pisces Greatest need: Encouragement (I don't do well with criticism and being yelled at depletes me in many ways).
Aquarius Greatest vulnerability: Unpredictability
Aquarius Greatest problem: Aloofness (Cough cough...Sarah Palin)
Aquarius Greatest need: Independence
Capricorn Greatest vulnerability: Social climbing
Capricorn Greatest problem: Ceaseless complaining
Capricorn Greatest need: Personal achievement
Sagittarius Greatest vulnerability: Blind optimism
Sagittarius Greatest problem: Restlessness
Sagittarius Greatest need: A challenge
Scorpio Greatest vulnerability: Being skeptical
Scorpio Greatest problem: Inability to share problems
Scorpio Greatest need: Emotional involvement
Libra Greatest vulnerability: Sweet talk
Libra Greatest problem: Indecision
Libra Greatest need: To be loved
Virgo Greatest vulnerability: Lack of self confidence
Virgo Greatest problem: Tendency to fuzz
Virgo Greatest need: To be useful
Leo Greatest vulnerability: Too trusting (Albert...)
Leo Greatest problem: Over enthusiasm
Leo Greatest need: Admiration
Cancer Greatest vulnerability: Over active imagination
Cancer Greatest problem: Irrational worry
Cancer Greatest need: Security at all levels
Gemini Greatest vulnerability: Superficiality
Gemini Greatest problem: Boredom
Gemini Greatest need: Diversity
Taurus Greatest vulnerability: Self-indulgence
Taurus Greatest problem: Not having enough money
Taurus Greatest need: Financial security
Aries Greatest vulnerability: Being gullible
Aries Greatest problem: Impulsiveness
Aries Greatest need: Adventure
These next ones are just for me :)
Pisces are very prone to drinking. Usually, the reason for the addiction is their relationship. A Pisces will drink to forget the pain. (My mom's an alcoholic and I honestly think the universe dealt me that card tocontend with so I could see from a young age the dangers of drinking to excess. I have Nooo interest in drinking and I'm honest with my self when I say I believe I am biologically prone to alcoholism as well as zoidacally prone to addiction).
As a Pisces,You are not initiators but allow circumstances and events to motivate them to respond. (I can make great plans to set up the ball, but I suck at actually getting it rolling)
Pisces tend to really enjoys movies about human nature. (I like Fight Club, Avatar, Benjamin Button -I hate war films and stupid crude comedies)
The way to prevent a Pisces,from getting to angry is to constantly make them feel like they are loved and in control of the situation. (The only person I ever get angry at is my sister -and i think it's because I know she still won't leave me if I get angry with her from time to time)

Pisces,often feel cold to others as they do not want to get drawn into dangerous situations, that can easily overcome them.
Top10 reasons for being a PISCES 2. You are more interested in acts of love and grace than carnal pleasure and sin. 
Top10 reasons for being a PISCES 3. You are psychic
Top10 reasons for being a PISCES 5. You have an amazing imagination.
Top10 reasons for being a PISCES 6. You live and breath romance, love and lust
Top10 reasons for being a PISCES 8. Very easy going :)
Top10 reasons for being a PISCES 9. You are compassionate and generous.
Top10 reasons for being a PISCES 10. Your motto: What is reality?
(If you're wondering why some of the top 10 are missing it's because I either didn't agree with certain claimed tendencies or it was irrelevant/ redundant statements like, "You get sick in the winter time". They make statements like that every once in a while where it's like This could be applied to anyone -it's too general.)
Pisces likes to take long rests alone to recharge. (I call them kitty naps)
Pisces dislikes People who walk away from arguments. (I'll have to take their word for it. I'm usually the one who has to walk away. Only dominant people who tromp all over me ever get into arguments with me in the first place)
Pisces has a big generosity, sometimes so big they neglect themselves while giving to others.
Pisces dislike crowded places. (Too many people around overwhelms me. I'm not a social butterfly and it's a lot for me to take in)
Pisces never looks down on people. They are humble. (I'm at the opposite end of the self-confidence bar. I don't know how to be arrogant because that would require me to think I was better than somebody else and most of the time I have low confidence and I think that lots of other people are better than me. Except for Snooki. Although she is pretty confident and uninhibited)
Pisces have the deepest feelings of the Zodiac.

As a Pisces,You will change yourself to fit the image your partner wants. Daydreams are your truest reality. (I love my Daydreams)
As a Pisces,Once you commit yourself, you give unselfishly of your time, energy and concern. (I don't believe in half-assing anything. It's all or nothing)
Pisces are polite but can be very aggressive when mad. (It's because we have to get pushed that far out of our way to get to that point)
As a Pisces,You like to keep things that have a sentimental meaning for you.(Nostalgia!!!)

As a Pisces,You're seemingly laid-back and progressive; you live and let live. 
As a Pisces, Don't be overwhelmed by the enormity of the universe. And don't be reclusive
The genius inherent in the Pisces experience is the understanding that one does not have to be anything, yet can be everything. 
As a Pisces,You have a way with words and images and associations that they bring to mind which is the best in the zodiac.
Pisces has a gift of seeing the truth. (Somebody asked me what the most important thing to seek in life was, and I answered Truth with no hesitation. Love is Truth. Hate is a Truth as well, but so is the Truth that we can Choose to Love or to Hate. Truth is Love is always greater than Hate).
Pisces is sensitive, quiet, shy and easily hurt.
When you go out with a Pisces, you know they aren't superficial, they see through to your spiritual self.
As a Pisces,Your defense against things which make you uncomfortable is simply to run away - to escape. If it's an argument I walk away -if it's a reality I don't like I escape in Artwork/TV/Music/Daydreams...)



  1. I don't personally know anybody who promotes the Zodiac as much as you do, so admittedly I'm thinking about it more than I ever have. However, there are still far too many exceptions and similarities and clashing interpretations of these signs for me to truly believe in it...


  2. I haven't found clashing interpretations -but I only draw from sources I deem credible and they usually confirm each other even though they exist independently. I know for a fact 2 out of the 3 actually do research. And the other one has info that is consistent. As far as Zodiac facts not aligning with people as well -It's their underlying tendencies. People can change do to culture, experiences, beliefs... so nothing ever really defines who we are but us. Zodiac signs just indicate tendencies.
