Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I’m going to found my own “religion”. Instead of a church/ mosque/ cathedral/ synagogue, we’re going to have what will be called a Home of Truth. Yah. We’ll be Truthists practicing the belief system of Truthism. Like a true home, people will be openly welcomed in. They will not have to dress up –this way they will feel more relaxed and individuality will be encouraged above conformity. We’re more interested in people’s minds and souls than physical appearance.
Zeitgeist and Usana taught me 2 very important things: 1. People need love and acceptance just as surely as cells need nutrients. It’s not just some fluffy-warm-and-fuzzy concept – it’s a necessity. When people are deprived of these basic necessities they suffer. We are not just physical beings –or minds need nourishment from knowledge, our hearts need nourishment from love, and our souls need nourishment from acceptance and being fulfilled. 2. You should be as inclusive as humanly possible. Allow people come in as they are; and instead of trying to change them into someone else –enhance and support them to be a greater version of themselves.
God likes variety. Deserts, rainbows, oceans, sky, zebras, flamingos… if God wanted everything to look and act the same it would. That was not part of his plan and isn’t a part of his design. Each form of life is unique for a reason. Each form has something individually significant to bring to the table. This should be acknowledged above all else: to appreciate people and accept people for being different –not forgiving or condemning them for it.
In this Home of Truth, we will openly discuss: Our personal views and experiences on life and the afterlife, “Established” views founded in various religions, Writings found in various religious scriptures and text, and also various documentaries and research findings. We will then decide as a community (a group of individuals coming together for the common purpose of embittering our lives and knowledge of life itself) what beliefs we logically and spiritually see as most greatly founded in Truth. These set of beliefs will be marked and written, but at all times shall remain amendable and open to rejection –just like a Theory. Personal beliefs of individuals differing from the collective view will also be accepted and encouraged. We stress to find Truth, expand our minds and our souls, and combine rather than divide. It’s not about Who is right, but What is right.
On the properties that these homes shall be established on, the greatest portion of the land shall be set aside for farming/ gardening. Fruits and vegetables raised on this land will then be distributed throughout the community for free. That way the community will be self-sustained and independent. The buildings on the property itself will also be self-sustained with solar panels and other alternative, environmentally friendly forms of energy. Living “off the grid” will be an important goal for this home to achieve.
Lastly to ensure that we remain informed and educated on other significant life-topics, we will also study/ find research on other various forms of institutions: Government Systems (Democracy, Dictatorships, Monarchies…), Economic Systems (Capitalism, Socialism, Communism…), Judicial Systems (prisons, rehab centers, law enforcement…), and Social Institutions (schools, marriage, …). We will be Positive, Respectful, and Open-minded to the thoughts of others as well as our own thoughts. Sharing will be praised over rejection. The Truth doesn’t take sides –it is what it is. We should act the same.

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