Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Aristotle, Happines, and Virtue

Once upon a time there was this guy named Aristotle. He was a pretty smart guy so people kept coming up to him and asking, “What’s the key to happiness?”  Aristotle thought about it and decided:
1.     Money, love, and “success” were not the greatest levels of happiness.
2.     Seeking personal Pleasure was also not the greatest happiness.
3.     The only way to achieve true endomonia (well-being/ happiness) is by achieving higher virtues through creative acts and reasoning.
Some external prosperity is required as well (starving would be kind of a distraction). Aristotle decided to achieve a virtue you need to find a true balance or middle ground between two extremes. It’s kind of like walking a tied rope through life (Too much or too little of something leads to an imbalance and imperfection). There are also different types of virtues to gain:
v Intellectual Virtue: Gained through experience and time
v Moral Virtue: Outcome of habit and practice
To achieve these you need to do the Right Thing in the Right Way at the Right Time for the Right Reasons.
Why is all this so important? Can’t I just play my Xbox orPS3 in peace and call myself happy? As it turns out, real happiness comes from fulfillment and meaning in life and lasts a lot longer than a couple hours playing a video game. Oh darn. This fulfillment comes from exercising a skill or power and using it. Thoughts and our ability to express them are what make us different from animals and find the greatest level of happiness when these are used to achieve the greatest effect.
So how do you make a habit out of gaining one of these new virtue thingys? You look at the nice Table of Virtue I made:

Too Honest: Offend people,
Blunt, and Brutal.
Simon Cowell
Honest, but kind and considerate of others
Lies, Manipulating, Deception, Hurts People
Connect to much, Suffer knowing others suffer, Depressed
Compassionate, Strongly Empathetic
Heartless, Indifferent, Apathetic, Cause Pain
Blindly Follow and Obey others, No Self-Will
Loyal within Reason
Betraying -Tiger Woods
No one Trusts You
Overly Confident, Reckless, Self-Endangering –Wild Boys
Strong, Composed, Endearing, Courageous
Cowardly, Paranoid, Never Accomplish Anything
Accepting Wrongful Behavior
Get Walked Over
Tolerant and Accepting, but also knowing where to draw the line
Cause others Pain and Conflict
Not Open-minded/ Ignorant
Too Patient
Wait Forever
Miss Out
Patient by using Good Judgment and Thought
Act too Soon
Ruin Chances
Get tricked into giving too much
End up with nothing

So how do you gain a virtue if you’re stuck over in the left or right column? If you’re in the left column: You get uncomfortable and take a risk. If you’re on the right column: You lean towards the cautious side of life. You step out of your comfort zone or holdback depending on which column you’re in. It’s the only way to balance yourself out. By making it a constant habit and being mindful of these virtues you can then make them second nature.  
Now there are some people who say, “I can achieve a greater level of happiness by acting cheery and smiling a lot. I’ll fool others and eventually myself into thinking I am happy.”
 Knock it off. It’s really annoying.
Some people are oblivious and can’t see through the fake smile (mostly because some people are just that good at it –I’m looking at you Sagittarius), but for the most part people can read right through it. I feel sorry for those people. They make me sad. How messed up is it that our society is trying to condition us to fake emotions they approve of by hiding or denying other emotions they don’t? If emotions were a choice, we’d all choose to be happy. They aren’t. There is a logical, justified reason why someone is upset –usually because they’re lacking something in their life they want or need. Those reasons should not be held against them. We all suffer, we all feel pain, we all get depressed, and we’re all human. I see nothing wrong with wanting to end suffering, but covering it up and pretending it isn’t there Is Not Ending It. It’s ignoring a problem that should probably be looked at and treated like you would an infection. When you ignore an infection and pretend it isn’t there hoping it will go away on its own, it usually gets worse.
I think people are confusing Genuine Happiness with Toothpaste-Ad Happiness. If you look at history, none of the people we appreciate and acknowledge most today were ever that happy. That’s because they knew it’s not about “happiness” it’s about fulfillment.


  1. Hmmm. Intriguing.

    I'm going to have to disagree with connecting too much to others being an excess, as you realize other people suffer, and end up getting depressed.

    There are causes worth getting depressed over, things worth crying over, and I don't believe we can ever connect too much to others.

    "Getting walked over" is also something I wouldn't call a bad thing. There are plenty of situations in life in which sacrificing ourselves is necessary. Jesus said "there is no greater love than when one gives up one's life for one'e friends". I'm not saying all sacrifice = death but...for me, we have to choose what things are worthy of getting "walked on" over.

    How can one be too patient? To me, that's like being "too nice" or "too loving" or "too wise".

    How can one give "too much"?

    I realize that we need to be aware of being taken advantage of, but there is power in giving up ourselves for a cause.


  2. I'm tlking about extremes though. Extreme deficiency or excesses that are deinitely notable. Too caring = becoming consumed with someone else's life and well being and forgetting your own -your life should matter too shouldn't it?

    As for "getting walked over" -someone taking and taking from you without caring about your well being or feelings. It's not a sacrifice, it's saying your life isn't worth standing up for.

    Too patient -sit around waiting for something to happen isn't going to make it happen. Too much patience can lead to a lack of activity a person will take.

  3. What do you feel about Jesus' statement that there is no greater love than giving up one's life for a friend? Would you feel that this is love taking to a harmful extreme and hence bad?


  4. You don't get virtues do you? Virtues are habits -acting courageous, acting generous, acting loyal. They're habits that when practiced repeatedly over time can become naturalized personality traits. Becoming a generous person. Love isn't a habit. Love is something you possess that you either share with others or deny others. It is a noun and a state of being -not a habit/ trait.

  5. ...

    I'll get back to your comment, but I would love (no pun intended) if you answer my question.


  6. What do you feel about Jesus' statement that there is no greater love than giving up one's life for a friend? Would you feel that this is love taking to a harmful extreme and hence bad?

    - He's talking about saving a life by giving your own. I would say it's the highest for of giving. To love someone as much as or more then yourself. Is it bad? It's not immoral, but I would say it'sa tricky area.

    If you lose your life trying to save someone else, then it's perfectly fine -which sounds weird. But if you knowingly give your life over to save another it's kind of like telling a serial killer to tke your life instead of a friends. Logically speaking, it's like saying your life isn't of value as much as your friend's. Also, what circumstances would come up where you actually got the chance to contemplate giving your life up to save a friends.

    Figher Fighters are heroes for putting theur life on the line for someone else's protection, but it's not like they go out of their way to sacrifice their lives -it's just a risk they are willing to take.

    I'd say this has a risk of becoming a bad thing when someone thinks that someone's life is greater than their own and their life has no value and should be taken into consideration and therefore can be terminated to save someone's else's life.

  7. Jesus once used an analogy --- that certain seeds must be crushed in order for it to germinate and grow into a crop. He said that if it came down to it, we should have this attitude towards others.

    Paul once said, in the book of Philippians, that we should be humble, even viewing others as better than ourselves.

    (This is not to say that we should not love ourselves...as the greatest commandment is to love others as you love yourself.)

    I once met a girl who told me that the greatest love one can express is marriage. But she's wrong (according to Bible). The greatest love one can express is sacrifice.

    Giving up ones life to save another doesn't always mean death, although such an scenario can happen (getting everyone out of a burning house and not making it our yourself). This attitude can also be for things like...

    1. Inconveniencing oneself for your family (a mother who eats the worst parts of the chicken so her kids can have the best parts).

    2. Working less, thereby making less money, to make a relationship work.

    3. Even trivial things like not watching your favorite show if it offends someone nearby.

    It's an attitude which hopefully will never mean death but should be used all through life.


  8. These ideas are very counter-American. =)

    Now as for your definitions of virtue and love...I'm going to have to disagree but I also don't see how I can prove it. The ideas are too abstract. But a quick check with dictionary.com seems to support us both.


  9. When you say "give up ones life to sae another", it sort of implies death. You should say "inconvenience your life to support someone else". And this isn't Counter-American in that our culture doesn't particularly do this -in fact they applaud those who self-sacrifice their own gains in order to help others. Hate to mention Harry Potter, but that's kind of what he did. He was a boy who went out of his way to defeat a dark lord that as trying to kill him and everyone else he cared about. He chose not to hide. He chose to risk his life to protect people. He's a hero in the eyes of many because of that. I imagine Iron Man is the same.

    It's just hard for some people to put others before themselves and their own personal interests. Not just in America, but globally. Humans have difficulty acting on compassion when it comes at their own expense. Those who practice it more oten -in small or big ways- and more greatly appreciated and respected.

  10. "Giving up your life to save another" doesn't always mean death.

    You heard of the expression "you have no life"? That doesn't mean that person is dead.

    Or when someone is in a miserable situation, and they say "This isn't life!"

    In the Bible, Life and Death have multiple meanings.

    True Life in the Bible means a happy, fulfilling, joyous, abundant life.

    In the same way, Death means being aware and active and "alive", but totally miserable. That's why Hell is called "Second Death", because you're aware of your surroundings but you're miserable.

    Now what if you choose to give up your happiness, your comfort, your abundance --- for another? That's giving up your Life.



    (As far as Harry Potter is concerned, I've already clarified that it is common technique to wrap negative things with positive things in order to get it by people. Horrible words such as "sorcery" and "witchcraft" are ok through Harry Potter because he does "good" things. lol. I don't buy it.)

  11. Taking Harry Potter out of the theme of witches for a second -you still ahve to appreciate his Character and the things he did to save his friends. Witchcraft aside, Harry was a hero.

  12. History is chock-full of people who did what they felt was right, but utilized evil methods to do it. You don't think witchcraft is evil, or you don't think it's real, or you don't think it's a big deal --- hence you give Harry Potter a pass.


    P.S. lol, I think Harry Potter will forever be our "thing"...LOL

  13. The kind of witchcraft used in Harry Potter is made up and non-Satanic. It may have alluded to previous misinterpretted and watered down notions of witchcraft, but that's about it. You might as well call Halloween evil since kids are allowed to dress up as witches -and have been even before Harry Potter came along.

  14. So watered-down evil = good? Oh, ok. (NOT)

    Sorry, but I still have a problem with the words being used.



    If Harry Potter is truly not glorifying these evil concepts, then why is the word used?

    What if there was kids book where the kids went to Murder School? Or Assault school?

    And it was fantasy books about "watered down" murder and assault.

    What a silly idea, and would never work. But that's how I view HP.

    Face is Jessica, you don't view these words as I do and hence Harry Potter is your hero.


  15. I don't think witchcraft (Satanic worship) is on the same level as murder -unless a Satanist commits murder -in which case Murder is stll the primary evil in that situation. Witchcraft is more like cocaine -a dangerous thing to get involved with that has potentially fatal side effects. Harry Potter is marijuana. It's not going to lead to many negative side effects, but you do have to make sure you don't over-indulge in it.

  16. I think we MIGHT be making some headway here.

    Yes, Harry Potter is almost perfectly compared to marijuana.

    Debatable as to if it's dangerous.

    Able to be used but walk away without immediate (or known) side effects.

    HOWEVER...for people who know better (like doctors, narc cops), marijuana is what is called a "gateway" drug, leading to worse things like crack/cocaine...stuff that damages you forever.

    That's also how I view HP. He is a withcraft "primer", and does not discourage the pursuit of further understanding of the subject.

    The only people who disagree that MJ is a gateway drug are potheads.

    The only people who disagree that HP is dangerous are HP fans.

    We have never been in such agreement regarding HP as we are now. Still a long ways to go, but...


  17. I have never done marijuana, but I honestly don;t think it should be assumed that people who smoke it would also do meth or crack. I'm sure there are some potheads out there who would say, "Cocaine? No way. That stuff will mess you up".

  18. You are also not privy to the stats of how many people do indeed move from MJ to something more dangerous. I have personally spoken to a Narc in Buffalo, NY. They know better.


  19. Narcs would only know of the people who had been caught doing drugs -not the full majoirty of the people doing marijuana in general. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who do marijuana then cociane or harder drugs. Correlation is not causation. I'll bet you find just as many people who drank alcohol first or smoked cigarettes first or did nothing first before they did hard drugs.

  20. First of all, could I talk to JessicaPisces and not "anonymous"? Goodness...it's kinda scary...like I'm talking to an "undefined mass of intelligence" of something....

    Well, you bring up good points and succeeded in weakening my narc point. Only because I do not personally know the stats.

    That being said, neither do you.

    What I do know is that this narc felt convicted enough of the correlation between MJ and worse drugs to give speeches about it regularly in various schools. That's enough proof for me.


  21. I don't know ow to put my own name on this thing. It won'tlet me :( I'll keepp trying.

    I think we can both agree soft drugs are ill-advised and potentially dangerous. Although I would also through alcohol and cigarettes in the mox as well. And maybe coffee... there are some people who need to go easy on that stuff.

  22. Understood, oh Mighty Mass of Undefined Intelligence.


    Alcohol --- like anything, only bad if abused

    Cigarettes --- may mess up lungs, but overdoing it at least doesn't warp brain

    Coffee --- very, very hard to overdue coffee. I mean, it's really HARD to do... Recent findings show it to be healthy (although I can't drink it)

    MJ --- warps brain irrevocably with abuse. This is why it's illegal.

    Different monsters, all.


  23. MJ warps brain irrevocably with abuse? It kills off brain cells -and in some forms that can be taken it mostly just slows down motor function. The only way it messes up brain development is if it's taken at crucial brain development stages in life -like baby to young adult -which is why so many people stress for teens not to use it, but don't care as much about older people partaking in it like Kenny Rogers or Green Day. It slows your brain down while being used -more permanently if over used, but technically is not an addictive substance.

    Caffeine is only health in its natural forms -like those found in tea. Like Ginseng.

  24. Dang it I forgot to put my name again...

  25. Look: everybody I know who does MJ is slow/spacey/barely there/underachieving/not quite with it/odd.

    And I'm not talking sometimes like the above --- ALWAYS like the above.

    I don't care that American society is so accepting that it won't call overweight people in grave danger of their health, or pot smokers as being reduced in brain capacity...I see it happening and my observations are 100% accurate.

    Pot messes people up, has made losers out of husbands, failures out of fathers, failers out of young men with potential. I've seen it too many times.

    As far as coffee is concerned:


    Look I hate that coffee is healthy but science is saying it is now. *shrug*


  26. I like science chnges it's mind on things it calls facts. Like when rice and bread were the largest portion of the food pyramid until they decided, Whoops! those cause diabetes. Now science says coffee is healthy. I don't think so. Not buying that one.

    And the reason most people do "MJ" -which makes me think of Michael Jordan, but whatever- is because they need a break from stress/ reality/ life or they have no life so they think they have nothing to lose. Maybe instead of focusing on the substances people take that alter theur lives in a negative way, we should focus on why they do this in the first place: Poor handling of stress and a loss of higher purpose/ hope.

  27. Agree with both paragraphs.

    See, this evening could have ended with a stance of relative agreement but OHHH NO you went and made me have to defend my reputation on FB. Don't you know better than to try and publicly embarrass an Aries? *sigh*

