Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Theme: Today is a Happy Day

May it be noted: July 20, 2011 was a day when 2 of my friends celebrated their Birthdays, Numerous jokes were passed around Facebook (One saying that Stephy's dog may not be her biological baby), a Tweet I made yesterday regarding an obscure TV reference was ReTweeted by someone with a much larger following than I...

The only downside was I was jealous of a status update my sister made last night that was really insightful and ended up getting copied and pasted by multiple people. It's always weird when a sibling does well. It's like, Hey! How did you get successful all the sudden? It's like I turned away for a second and people are preaching her praises. The whole time I'm like, Yah but she wrote that at 1AM because she's nocturnal and I suspect part vampire.

Anyways, i just want to take this moment and thank whoever invented Neosporin. Thanks for saving my foot. The sense Fae Creme was holding the infection at bay, but then Neosporin came in and was like, No. It's cool. I got this. The yellow is gone and well, it still sort of looks like I may be suffering from a light case of leprosy, but it's better than it was.

Here are some Tumblr-Abducted Pics :)

The Idiot's Guide to Interior Decorating

It took a second for me to realize what this was. Smores!!!

Lady Gaga?

Lady Gaga???

Lady Gaga!!!

Someone's trying to bring M.C. Esher back. I think they'd have better luck with Sexy...

I can make out some shapes, a person, and someone with wayyy too much time on their hands.

They exist...

I thought it was suppose to be healthy...This is why researchers get paid so much -they keep we lazy laymen citizens informed.

Sometimes I associate images with sounds. Bloop, bloop, bloop.

Tyra Banks is right- Smile with your eyes people!

Hello moving rock :)

You forgot Ice Cream!!! And what do you mean tea??? Ewwww...

I need to clean my room now...And when I say room I mean apartment. It's like an extended room, which you'd think would be a good thing because you have more space to throw your crap, but then you realize it also means more space to clean up. I think this is why some people have hoarding issues...

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