Monday, July 11, 2011


I blogged too soon. I was giving a big Screw You! to the Universe for the sun burn it gave me and it decided to through a OK! back in my direction.

My feet have been swollen all day. Swollen to the point that I no longer walk, I hobble-and at one point that became too painful so I was wandering around my house on my knees. Then I tried to bring the swelling down. I lied in bed-didn't help. I put my feet in cold water-didn't help. I elevated my feet on the couch while the rest of me layed on the floor. That helped. But then when I started walking around again the swelling went back.

Sooooo then it was time to go to our group meeting at 5pm. I had eaten oatmeal for breakfast with a nutrisystem shake. A protein bar at 3pm because I was too lazy to have an actual lunch. A quick nutrisystem shake at 5pm and a protein bar in the car on the way over to the meeting. My sister drove.

The combination of sun burn, swollen feet, low blood sugar, and standing for over an hour was not good. I've almost blacked out before. I start yawning, feeling weak and light headed, and then my vision starts to go. The whole process usually takes 15 minutes to become extreme. I need to sit and get food and water in my system. Today the process was in a hurry and it took about a minute. I felt dizzy and my energy drained. I told my sister, "Em I'm losing my energy". She told me to sit down on the ground. I was like, no way I'm not sitting on the ground in my nice slacks in front of everyone. I asked her to escort me around a corner so I could sit down there out of site. She walked over beside me to help guide me over there. I wavered and the next thing I knew I was waking up from this weird dream. I was in a train station and it was really dark and people kept shaking my arm and saying my name. It felt real. And then I realized I was awake and on the ground and people were trying to help me up. They got me over to a couch and handed me a water bottle. I told them I thought I might throw up so they helped me over to the bathroom. My sister and my friend were looking down at me as I sat on the floor next to the toilet seat. They brought me trail mix, a protein bar, and a bottled water. I regained myself. Then they said I should go home and a woman named Mrs. May offered to drive me. I felt bad because I wanted to stay at the meeting, but I didn't know if I would get sick again or not. I'm home now. Mrs. May was awesome and I really appreciated her driving me here. I feel better now, but I'm sad, not because of what happened, but because I didn't get to see the meeting and talk more with my friends.

The Roller Coaster Theorem. The day I had yesterday was THAT amazing. Still totally worth it. But I'm back to neutral now and I think I'm just going to take it easy.

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