Tuesday, June 21, 2011

ANIMAL RIGHTS Part 3: Horses, Cows, Tigers... Oh My!

(Images found on Google)
Horses:    Man has been riding on the backs of horses for thousands of years. Horses helped found America. Man has a kinship with that animal. Hoses are given a lot of respect because of that. A person works with a horse to build trust – the person’s trust in the horse as well as the horse’s trust in the person. The two support each other. Horses are highly intelligent. For some people shooting a horse would be the same as shooting a friend.

In France they have farms that raise horses for meat. They are usually large draft horses that are fed well and allowed to roam in open pastures. They say horse meat is leaner than cow meat and therefore healthier. Horses are raised to be eaten.

Cows:   Some people actually get offended when you suggest not eating cow. They’re usually cattle ranchers or people who live out in the country near cattle ranchers. To the ranchers, people not eating meat would negatively impact their income. To the people nearby, it would be going against tradition and what as expected.
            In India cows are considered sacred animals, even more so than elephants. There are places where a calf gets to drink the cow’s milk first and then people get what’s left because they feel the calf has an inherent right to it first. India loves cows the way Americans love and respect horses. Cows are sweethearts. They have distinct personalities and behaviors. Cows help the grass grow at pace and keep weeds down. They also fertilize the soil. They are harmless creatures that provide great nutrients in their milk. This is why cows are seen as the “Nurturers of the Earth”.  (There’s a book called A Communion of Subjects that speaks more on this if you want to hear more).

In the U.S. cows are seen about the same as pigs, only more clumsy and stupid. They view a cow’s primary function on this earth as producing milk and giving meat. Cows are raised to die. The value of their meat out ways any value man could possibly give to their lives. They are slaughtered. There death is unappreciated. [When people Don’t respect animals, animals Always suffer]

Tigers:    This one may seem surprising because most people respect tigers and no one really eats them. I was watching Animal Planet one day and a video came on about white tigers. Apparently white tigers aren’t a good thing. They may look unique and beautiful, but they’re actually suffering. The white color is a defect in their species. It’s like being born with cancer or being born yellow because of jaundice. Tigers are supposed to be orange. White tigers suffer poor vision bordering on and sometimes leading to blindness, poor bone structure, a weaker system, and dying at a younger age. But because so many people like white tigers, tigers are purposely being bred to produce more of them. If white continues to be preferred and sought after over orange, it could end up contaminating the entire species just as AIDs would effect a new generation if people with the disease purposely gave birth so more people in the population would have it. The white color needs to be bred out so the defects don’t continue to make future tiger suffer. [When people Don’t respect animals, animals Always suffer]

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